Can you guess the age of this woman?

Aging is inevitable. Aging is part of life. Every year, our face changes. Some of us age earlier, some later. Part of how you look depends on how well you take care of your body.

Lur Hsu shocked millions of Internet users with her youthful appearance. Although interior designer Lur Hsu is now 41 years old, many mistakes her for a 20-year-old.


Can you guess the age of this woman?

1. Believe it or not, this Taiwanese designer is actually 41 years old.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

2. While much of Lure's youthful appearance is likely due to her genetics, many people around the world are still desperate to know her skin care secrets.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

3. She regularly uses sunscreen because the sun causes premature aging.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

4. Not without a diet. Lur drinks black coffee eats fruits, and vegetables, and drinks a lot of water. She tries her best to avoid fatty foods and sugary drinks.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

5. But it looks like she's not the only one of her kind. Here is her family.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

6. She has 2 sisters aged 40 and 36 and a mother aged 63.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

7. Sister Feifai just turned 40 years old.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

8. Feifai claims she maintains a normal lifestyle.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

9. "I never skip breakfast and it helps me stay lean," Feifai says.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

10. And this is the youngest sister - Sharon.

Can you guess the age of this woman?

11. In addition to protecting the skin from the sun, Sharon visits the gym.

Keywords: Aging | Beauty | Skin beauty | Healthy lifestyle | Beautiful women | Lifestyle | Lifecare

