Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality

Categories: History | Society |

One of the main achievements of the XX century is the establishment of equality between people. Including gender equality. And this was achieved, of course, by the women themselves. Not women in general, but specific young ladies who were not afraid to challenge the social foundations, to do something wrong. Then such behavior or appearance seemed defiant, even offensive to someone, but now no one would be surprised.

Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality
Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality

Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality
Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality
Australian swimmer Annette Kellerman, famous for being the first woman to attempt to swim the English Channel, poses in an extremely indecent swimsuit for 1907. After the publication of this photo, she was arrested on charges of indecent behavior.

Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality
Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality
Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality
Brave at heart: 7 women to whom we should be grateful for the victory of equality

Keywords: XX century | Discrimination | Women | Equality | Sexism

