No wonder long hair has been considered a woman's adornment for many centuries. Girls with luxurious curls attract attention and charm with femininity. Nowadays, few people let go of the braid, but there are ladies for whom hair has become a pride and a highlight that distinguishes them from the crowd. They receive a lot of compliments, but they also face problems every day because of their luxurious hair. Read the stories of long-haired beauties in our material.Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideWomen with long hair have delighted and inspired men for thousands of years. Songs and poems were dedicated to beauties with luxurious curls, paintings were painted from them and statues were created. And for good reason: after all, the braid looks very feminine and gentle.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a pride22-year-old Lauren Shakespeare says that golden curls give her self-confidence. The Wolverhampton resident started dancing at the age of three. Even then she had long blonde hair, which her mother gathered into a bun. At school, her friends often braided her pigtails, and the boys were afraid that they would be cut off. This fear remained with Lauren is still when she goes to the hairdresser. And she visits him once every eight months.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideIn 2016, the British woman entered the university, but most of the students did not know how long her hair was, because the girl was constantly putting it in a bun. When friends saw Lauren with loose curls at the party, they were very surprised.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideSometimes Lauren straightens her hair, it takes her about an hour and a half. People often ask a girl to take a picture with them. A British woman feels very uncomfortable when strangers try to touch her braid. She has no plans to cut her hair. Lauren used to work as an animator at children's parties, playing princesses. The kids really liked her silky natural hair.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideIn June 2017, the girl met her lover, Shane. He loves her long curls, although sometimes Lauren accidentally slaps his hair in the face when she turns around abruptly. The British woman washes her hair three times a week using shampoo and conditioner. She considers luxurious hair her highlight, which sets her apart from the crowd.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a pride38-year-old Aggie Dadan lives in Gloucestershire with her husband Andrew and 8-year-old daughter Zara. As a child, she felt like a real princess thanks to her luxurious long curls. When the girl was five years old, her grandmother cut her hair short before school so that it would be easier to take care of her hair. The baby cried for several days, and after this incident she no longer allowed her braid to be cut.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideAt the age of 19, Aggie entered the university. Dreadlocks were in fashion at that time, and the girl wore them, coloring her hair in bright colors. In 2005, she started working and cut dreadlocks to her shoulders.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideIn 2006, a British woman met her future husband. He likes the long hair of the chosen one. When spouses go on vacation, men often joke, telling Andrew that they will steal his beautiful wife. People often want to touch her hair, stroke it and find out how a woman takes care of them.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideA chic braid causes a lot of problems. It can catch on the door handle, it can easily be accidentally pinched, slamming the car door, and on the street the braid clings to everything. You need to be especially careful when visiting the toilet. Every six months Aggie cuts her hair by 10 - 13 cm. Some women envy her long curls. Zara's daughter has the same beautiful braid as her mother. They like to braid each other and experiment with different hairstyles.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a pridePeople often stop 25-year-old Jasmine Larson right in the middle of the street to admire her long red hair. A resident of London receives messages on social networks from men from all over the world who ask her never to get a haircut.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideAs a child, Jasmine was allowed to cut her hair only once a year. Her friends adored braiding her pigtails, and her classmates-boys - pulled them. At university, the British woman studied biochemistry, and during the experiments her curls caught fire several times. After that, she began to collect them in the tail. After graduating from university, the girl began to let her hair down again.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideIn social networks, men write to Jasmine that her curls turn them on. Some of the fans turn out to be fetishists who are excited by long hair, such men even ask to send them a strand. The British woman refuses and sends such cranks to the blacklist.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideThe girl is used to receiving compliments about her braid. In 2017, she was offered to become a model to create wedding hairstyles. Long hair is quite difficult to take care of, so Jasmine washes her hair once a week, and uses a special oil for daily care. It takes two hours for a British woman to dry her hair with a hair dryer, and it takes a whole day for them to dry naturally. Despite this, she is not going to cut them.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a pride63-year-old Mel Brown went to the hairdresser only once in her life. A resident of London recalls that at the age of five, her mother put a pot on her head and gave her a bob haircut. After that, the girl was teased by the whole school. Since then, she was afraid to get a haircut and let go of a long braid.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideWhen the woman began to work as a teacher of fine arts, she began to collect her hair in a bun so that they would not interfere with her. Only occasionally did Mel dissolve them, and then everyone around was surprised at their length. After the birth of two daughters, the British woman did not stop caring for her braid, combing it even at night. She never chased fashion, so she didn't cut her hair even after 40.Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideOthers say that Mel looks younger than his age. She believes that she succeeds thanks to skin and hair care. After her divorce from her husband, the British woman went to the hairdresser to get a haircut, but the masters dissuaded her from doing so, and now the woman is very grateful to them.
Braid-beauty: women for whom hair has become a prideThe British woman has repeatedly participated in photo shoots for exhibitions, where she posed naked with her hair covering her body. Mel believes that long curls are her unique style, which she will follow, regardless of fashion trends.
Andrea Stano from the USA is another Rapunzel in the real world. She shared the secrets of caring for her gorgeous hair with the help of natural remedies.