Cruelty is the norm of life for African tribes living in Sierra Leone. Rituals based on blood and pain have accompanied members of these communities since childhood. Razor cuts, female circumcision and other rituals that make the hair stand on end are a common reality for local residents. The terrible rites of initiation into adulthood and communication with spirits are like chilling scenes from a horror movie.
Find out further what bloody traditions exist in the closed African communities of Sierra Leone.
(Careful! The material contains scenes of cruelty and violence!)Bloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painIn secret communities in Sierra Leone, children are cut on the backs with a razor, and adult members of the tribes cut themselves with knives, as if they do not feel pain.
Bloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painAncient rituals have deep roots and are jealously preserved in many villages, where they are considered important milestones of life. But for many children, these cruel rituals leave injuries on their bodies and souls for the rest of their lives.
Bloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and pain
Now traditional rituals cannot be imposed on members of communities without their consent. In addition, any discrimination against those who are not members of secret organizations is prohibited. But this almost does not affect the real course of events.
Bloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and pain
Those who have experienced circumcision remember this with horror. During the operation, the girl is held by four women: one holds her mouth, the second holds her chest, and two more hold her legs. After removing the clitoris, and this happens without anesthesia, a napkin with medicinal herbs is put in place of the wound.
Bloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and painBloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and pain
Such shocking traditions are found not only in the Republic of Sierra Leone, but also in other African regions. The life of Pygmies in the Congo is filled with despair and poverty, and death from superstition is not uncommon, because they are used to believing in spirits, not doctors.