Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

Categories: Animals | Children |

This sweet couple is a charming three—year-old Sienna and Buddha, her two-year-old Doberman. They have become a sensation on the Internet, because many believe that a dog of this breed is a rather unexpected companion for a tiny girl.

"Dobermans are also called Velcro dogs. They choose one person and want to be with him all the time. Our dog chose Siena. We are pleased with the attention he received online — let people know how gentle these dogs can be," says Sienna's mother Tara Prucha.

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman
Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

Sienna doesn't play with toys at all.

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

She has a Buddha for that!

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

The Buddha was started when Sienna's chihuahua died in an accident.

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

The family was thinking of taking the dog from the shelter.

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

But then they decided to buy a thoroughbred dog.

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

Sienna and Buddha do everything together.

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

They sleep together.

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

They give each other manicures.

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

They even play the piano!

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

On Instagram, the sweet couple has already won the love of more than a hundred thousand people!

Beauty and the Beast: the amazing friendship of a tiny girl with a giant Doberman

Keywords: Girl | Friendship | Dogs

