Artist mom turns dream into adventure

Categories: Children | Photo project |

For most mothers, a child's daytime sleep is a long-awaited time free from the baby, when you can, with a sigh of relief, relax or do urgent household chores. But some mothers spend this time in a slightly different way ...

The mother of three boys, Queenie Liao, is sure that her children see brightly colored fairy tales and exciting journeys in their dreams. That's why I created a project called Wenann in Wonderland...

Just like Anna Eftheim with her Board Adventures, the Chinese artist creates captivating scenes around her sleeping little son, depicting his different fantasy adventures. Wenann must be fast asleep, because sometimes the photo shoots are quite difficult. His various sleeping positions are also quite cute: back, sideways - you name it, and he will do any! The perfect muse and smile-inducing photo series is ready! Who knows where Wenann will end up next!

Artist mom turns dream into adventure
Artist mom turns dream into adventure
Artist mom turns dream into adventure
Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure
Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Artist mom turns dream into adventure


Keywords: Baby | Sleep

