An apple tree from an apple: an Australian comedian copies the facial expressions of his tiny daughter

Categories: Children | Positive |

What distinguishes a comedian from an ordinary person? A comedian can turn anything into a joke, and his inspiration can be found anywhere. This is what happened to an Australian comedian named Josh, who was inspired to create a funny video by his own 7-week-old daughter. In just 6 days, the video has gained more than 43 million views, and there is a good reason for that — it is very cute and funny!

An apple tree from an apple: an Australian comedian copies the facial expressions of his tiny daughter

Josh was inspired by his daughter's sleepy facial expressions that she makes after drinking milk.

An apple tree from an apple: an Australian comedian copies the facial expressions of his tiny daughter

Josh is an internet comedian who has achieved popularity thanks to his weird videos.

An apple tree from an apple: an Australian comedian copies the facial expressions of his tiny daughter

Josh recorded his first video back in 2007.

An apple tree from an apple: an Australian comedian copies the facial expressions of his tiny daughter

But then his business took off.

An apple tree from an apple: an Australian comedian copies the facial expressions of his tiny daughter

For about 9 years, humor was just a hobby for him, but after gaining popularity, Josh can afford to do only his favorite thing.

An apple tree from an apple: an Australian comedian copies the facial expressions of his tiny daughter

Prior to his career in humor, Josh worked as a pastor.

An apple tree from an apple: an Australian comedian copies the facial expressions of his tiny daughter

Josh is one of the lucky few who managed to turn his hobby into a career.

Recently, he began to introduce his daughter Billie to humor by recording a video with her in which he recreated her facial expressions.

And here's that viral video of Josh and his daughter Billie.

Keywords: Daughter | Copy | Father | Parody | Poses

