Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Categories: Asia | Positive |

Everyone who lived in the dashing 90s should remember very high-quality sneakers from a mysterious company called Abibas. And packages advertising no less mysterious company Hike, it seems, are still in use in grocery and clothing markets.

Abuse of the names of popular brands is a favorite technique of underground Chinese marketers. And if you think that the Chinese use this maneuver only when promoting penny clothes, then you are grossly mistaken.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation
Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation
Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Every child's dream is a PolyStation game console.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation
Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Joysticks for it are produced by the not-too-hyped company FONY.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

And also a competitor of FONY — the firm SQMY. Their feature is Duroshock joysticks.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

The radios are manufactured by SQNY.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

A reasonable question arises: what kind of games are the owners of PolyStation playing? We answer: GTA Avatar!

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

For retro fans there is "GTA: San Andreas" with an addition in which you can play as Tarazan.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

High-quality sound in the game will be provided by headphones from Dre ... sorry, from Nani.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Chinese craftsmen fake not only products, but also their creators.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Unfortunately, the Chinese version of Bill Gates could not be found.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Meanwhile, Google has launched its own line of women's clothing.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Classic. Just not Hike, but Mike.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

The widest selection of pathetic parodies of Nike is in the Dolce & Banana store.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Puma sells non-sporting goods on the Chinese market.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

My name is Boss. Kinna is the Boss.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Roxanne is for men. Can I see all of them?

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Lazy Chinese companies are just swapping words.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

And the laziest ones are letters.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Johnny the Worker — only high-quality alcohol.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Colonel Obama.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Over the "Starbucks", everyone is not lazy.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

It even comes to indecency.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

And to absolutely complete nonsense.

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Batman for what?

Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

Coca-Cola products are being forged all over the world. But "Fanta" has never been called that before.


Abibas and his friends: popular brands in the Chinese interpretation

A hidden threat to Hollywood.

Keywords: Brand | China | Marketing | Clothing | Fakes | Products | Humor

