A traditional laziness championship is being held in Montenegro

Categories: Europe |

Residents of Montenegro claim that they have laziness in their blood and are even proud of it. They themselves compose jokes about their laziness and have literally made it a cult. Don't you believe it? And what do you say about the fact that on August 20, the annual laziness championship started in this country, already the tenth in a row.

A traditional laziness championship is being held in Montenegro

This year's championship is special, because if earlier the main idlers of Montenegro fought only for the title and diploma, now a cash prize of 300 euros (26 thousand rubles) is at stake. Yes, it's not much money, but you don't need to do anything to earn it. On the contrary, anyone who starts to do something will immediately be disqualified.

A traditional laziness championship is being held in Montenegro

The "athletes" have only one task-to "lie down" their rivals. In the Montenegrin village of Brezna, where intense competitions are held, the most selected idlers of the country and several foreign participants clashed in a tense battle.

The main condition is not to get up from your bed as long as possible. At the same time, participants are not forbidden to sleep, eat, read and communicate on the Internet. In previous years, the winner was determined quite quickly, since it was forbidden to get up at all. The 2021 Laziness Championship has more relaxed rules that allow a participant to get up every 8 hours to visit the restroom.

A traditional laziness championship is being held in Montenegro

According to the organizers, the innovation will allow to identify a really lazy person, and not a participant with the strongest bladder and hardy intestines. Most of the participants came to Bresna not for the sake of 300 euros, but to communicate and relax in nature. Although for a resident of Montenegro, 300 euros is not a trifle at all.

The main organizer of the contest, Micho Blagojevich, told reporters that the idea of such a championship came to him ten years ago thanks to the stereotype of lazy Montenegrins. It is obvious that there is still some truth in this, because no foreign participant has yet been able to lie down with local residents.

A traditional laziness championship is being held in Montenegro

The absolute record for laziness belongs to a guy who rested for 49 hours without stopping in 2018. Now, when the jury allows you to go to the toilet, the record will undoubtedly be broken. While everyone is intensely watching the unhurried confrontation of athletes, whose ranks have gradually begun to thin out after two days.

You can still have time to join this holiday of laziness, at least as fans, because, apparently, it will not end soon. Moreover, Montenegro is more beautiful than ever in August.

Keywords: Europe | Tourism | Championship | Montenegro | Stereotype | Laziness | News of the day

