A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

Categories: History | Society | World |

Among the upper classes, not only Russian, to feed their children breast was not accepted. Therefore, for these purposes were selected particularly comely peasant woman, who all the time were located near the "Royal" baby in the first years of his life.

A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children
A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

And as a commoner on duty often had to intersect with the biological mother of the child and invited to attend the lunch, the farmer had to be not only beautiful, but also healthy. And selected them for the role of the nurse is almost like horses...

A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children
A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children
A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children
A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

The engineer Andreev family and the nurse, who is holding his son in his arms, 1890

During the "casting" drew attention to the good color of the gums, the teeth had to be healthy, strong and beautiful. Was quoted only pink gums, with no signs of any disease, but white and strong teeth has always been a sign of health, not only in horses.

A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

Perfect age for a nurse highborn children was considered a woman 20-35 years old who gave birth 6-7 weeks ago — it was believed that during this period the milk was of better quality.

A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

Note that the nurse was not only a commoner. Especially if we are talking about the very top. The social structure of nurses for the Royal and Imperial names differed sharply. The selection of the nurse from century to century become more democratic, so to speak.

A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

Less well-born children, of course, always nurtured a peasant woman with good genetics.

A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

You should pay attention to the dress of the nurse. They all dressed in the same "uniform." Russian folk — sarafan and kokoshnik.

A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

This girl is not Russian. But pay attention to the number of necklaces

Often, they've been decorating. Obviously, this was done to give the status, not so much the nurse how much the family for which she worked.

A special caste: how peasant women were selected for the role of nurses highborn children

And who dressed luxuriously, nurse, he's the best better take care of her child.

However, the nurses and could do not be jewelry. But Russian folk "uniform" was the unquestioned rule. This was done to avoid embarrassment — after all, if the nurse was dressed like a European it could be confused with the mother...

Keywords: Breastfeeding | Caste | Role | Rus

