A record-breaking mosquito of frightening size has been discovered in China
Everyone is probably familiar with long-legged mosquitoes. These flying giants are absolutely harmless, but because of the menacing appearance, you still want to stay away from them. But imagine a long-legged mosquito, only several times larger than ours. It is such monsters that live in tropical latitudes and yes, they also do not harm anyone. But these mosquitoes are very interested in scientists who organize whole expeditions in search of new species.
It was such an expedition organized by Chinese entomologists that discovered a giant mosquito of hitherto unprecedented size in the southeast of the Celestial Empire. The discovery was made by Dr. Zhao Li, who works as the director of the Chinese Insect Museum in Chengdu. The wingspan of the arthropod caught by the scientist was 11.15 centimeters!
There was no limit to the scientist's joy when a frightening-sized flying individual got entangled in his net. After a cursory inspection of the prey, the entomologist immediately assured everyone that this was a new species and, in general, the largest mosquito of all officially caught on our planet. But it's one thing to declare, and quite another to conduct serious scientific work, systematize an insect and compare it with other large specimens.
Therefore, after returning from the expedition, Zhao Li settled in the scientific archives and began to study the impressive experience of mosquito catchers over the past decades. The work turned out to be difficult — the doctor spent several months reading dissertations and browsing catalogs. But now he is convinced that his specimen is the largest among the relatives described by science and, in general, the largest mosquito in the world.
After carefully studying the issue and collecting evidence, Dr. Zhao Li calmly announced his discovery and published photos of his unpleasant treasure. Agree, even knowing that mosquitoes are long-legged pacifists, you want to run away from such a giant without looking back.
But it is not harmless weevils, the size of a sparrow, that you need to be afraid of, but ordinary baby mosquitoes that can kill millions.