A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Categories: Children | Positive | Travel |

The little boy was very upset because he lost his stuffed elephant. But his parents had a smart plan: they told their son that his pet was not really lost, but just decided to go on an exciting journey around the world. And then they posted a photo of the elephant on Reddit and asked users to use Photoshop to place the elephant in a variety of locations from around the world. And users responded with great enthusiasm. Take a look at these photos to understand what we are talking about. We hope that the elephant did not forget to pack a suitcase.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world
A lost stuffed elephant travels the world
A lost stuffed elephant travels the world
A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

And here is our hero. Meet the Elephant.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world
A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

He managed to visit Africa.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

To fly a paraglider.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Make new friends.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Look into Antarctica.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Visit London.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world


A lost stuffed elephant travels the world


A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

The Statue of Liberty.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Cherry blossoms in Japan.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Buddhist temple in Cambodia.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world


A lost stuffed elephant travels the world


A lost stuffed elephant travels the world
A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Hanging out with turtles off the Great Barrier Reef.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

The elephant has found its fellows.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

I've been to Disneyland.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world


A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Athens, Greece.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

The elephant even went surfing!

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

The Great Wall of China.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

The elephant visited Barack Obama in the Oval Office of the White House.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Egyptian pyramids.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world


A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Easter Island.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

Northern Ireland.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

The elephant was photographed with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

He even managed to cheer for the Wales team.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

The elephant learned a lot about space at the Arecibo Observatory on the island of Puerto Rico.

A lost stuffed elephant travels the world

The elephant even visited Diagon Alley!

