A longboard stroller will amuse both children and parents!

Given the growing popularity of longboards, it was only a matter of time. The European manufacturer of baby strollers Quinny has created a longboard with a sitting stroller attached to it. The design was developed for two years, and finally the creation was shown to the public.

Attention, the child is recommended to wear a helmet! The longboard stroller has been approved only by European safety standards and is currently available only in the EU. For sale at a price of 599 euros.

(6 photos in total)

A longboard stroller will amuse both children and parents!
Source: boredpanda.com

A longboard stroller will amuse both children and parents!


A longboard stroller will amuse both children and parents!


A longboard stroller will amuse both children and parents!


A longboard stroller will amuse both children and parents!


A longboard stroller will amuse both children and parents!


A longboard stroller will amuse both children and parents!


Keywords: Parents

