A dizzying pedestrian road in China's Yellow Mountains
The Huangshan mountain range, located in China's Yellow Mountains, is crossed by a pedestrian road, one of the sections of which passes over a bridge called the "Bridge of the Immortals" by the locals. If you have ever wanted to test your fearlessness, then this place is exactly for you. The bridge with such a formidable name is squeezed by two massive granite peaks, but the main test is the path, consisting only of flimsy boards and chains that you need to hold on to so as not to fall into the abyss.
(Total 8 photos)

1. In the eastern part of China there is a mountain range China Huangshan, i.e. "Yellow Mountains", located near Shanghai.

2. The name (Yellow Mountains) was given in 747 by a Chinese poet.
3. This place gained fame thanks to the granite rocks, completely covered with pine trees, and especially two interesting and funny routes for tourists
4. The first of them “Viaduct in the air” is the steepest and most dangerous road among even all the dangerous mountain roads in the world.
5. This route was built on a sheer cliff. From all sides, both above and below it is surrounded by bare sheer cliffs. The route is iron chains hanging on a rock and a boardwalk about 30 cm wide, which is reinforced with a stone and wooden column.