9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

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The Internet opens up opportunities for a modern person to satisfy a variety of desires. We can buy a washing machine without leaving home, order pizza or... watch a "hot video" for every taste. And how did people manage before adult videos became available to everyone? Of course, strawberry lovers found a way out of the situation using a variety of methods and technologies. (Careful! Adult content).

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

Humanity's path to modern accessibility and diversity of porn was not easy. The first lovers of "strawberries" had to draw it with soot on a stone and sculpt it from clay. But then everything got better, but for this the genre had to go through 9 stages

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

It is quite natural that people showed interest in images of sex even in ancient times. The first examples of such creativity belong to the Stone Age. The caveman drew on the stone in general everything he wanted, having no restrictions in the flight of imagination. Animals, people, hunting scenes and, of course, sex scenes. Ancient man was prone to exaggeration, so rock pornographic creativity is emphasized grotesquely.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

The first sculptures with sexual overtones were ceramic products that appeared between 28,000 BC and 25,000 BC. A typical example of such creativity can be called the Venus of Willendorf, discovered in Austria. This is the first nude female figure known to science. Ceramic "hot figures" were also found in Peru — the ancient Indians of this country obviously knew a lot about sex.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

It may seem strange, but the first erotic publications appeared long before the advent of printing and even paper itself. In 1150 BC, the so-called Turin erotic papyrus was created in Egypt, illustrated with candid pictures.

Part of the ancient document, the length of which was 2.5 meters, is completely devoted to sexual poses. The second half of the papyrus contains texts and strange illustrations with animals doing human work: mice storming a fortress, a hippopotamus picking fruit from a tree, a donkey appearing in court. Perhaps this was the first attempt by a person to create something like Playboy magazine and combine eroticism and entertaining reading in one publication.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

The ancient period of history was marked by the flourishing of eroticism and pornography in all its manifestations. But it all started around 500 BC, when kiliki — shallow bowls with drawings - began to be mass-produced in Hellas. These vessels became an integral part of the feasts and, so that the relaxing Hellenes would not get bored between the approaches of the cupbearers, they were decorated with images of explicit scenes. They also began to depict sex scenes on amphorae.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

In the XI century AD, the first significant erotic literary work appeared — the Japanese tale of Genji. It is believed that this is the first novel in the world, but it is written in a completely unromantic language. The author used a rather bright, "carnal" syllable, capable of confusing even a modern person.

In Europe, the heyday of pornographic publishing came after the invention of the printing press in the XVI century. Separately, it is necessary to mention erotic engravings, which can be called adult comics of that time. The most famous engraver who left behind a considerable legacy was the Italian master Giovanni Battista Palumba.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

In 1524, Marcantonio Raimondi published the book "I Modi", in which 16 sexual poses were clearly shown and described. A little, you say, but do not forget that we are talking about the Middle Ages, when the Inquisition was in full swing in Europe and such topics were not particularly in high esteem.

Pope Clement VII reacted to the Italian version of the Kama Sutra very quickly and the author was put in a fortress, and the circulation was given fire. But the poet Pietro Aretino managed to leaf through the book and write a small but very frank sonnet for each pose shown in it.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

Along with the Enlightenment era came the thaw, thanks to which explicit works began to appear en masse. The leader of this trend was France, where several "adult" books were published as early as 1655. One of them, "L'Ecole Des Filles" was filled with dialogues that revolved around extremely frank topics.

A little later, samples of openly vulgar creativity focused on the unassuming public appeared — collections of short stories with indecent illustrations and even the first sexual fan fiction, one of the participants of which was Queen Marie Antoinette.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

In Japan, around the same time, illustrations in the style of shunga were born, depicting scenes of girls copulating with samurai, octopuses, fish and other animals. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this genre is still popular and is reflected in manga comics. In Europe, the "adult" graphics of the "gallant century" almost outlived itself with the advent of photography in the middle of the XIX century.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

The discovery of photography by Louis Daguerre launched a new era of pornographic creativity. The work of the first models was not easy, because they had to freeze in front of the camera lens for at least 15 minutes. At the same time, the quality of the pictures left much to be desired.

In the Victorian era, pornographic postcards were distributed by mail, and in addition, merchants offered similar products to passers-by on the streets. "French postcards", which was the name of these photographs, were distinguished by an amazing variety and everyone could find something to their taste.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

As we understand it, everything was going to the appearance of erotic magazines. Before the appearance of Playboy in 1953, they were defined as "naturalistic" or "artistic" albums. In them you could see pictures in the style of softcore pornography or erotic porn, which were not as explicit as regular pornography.

But the "piece" products, which originated in the age of Enlightenment, still found fans at the beginning of the XX century. From the 1920s to the 1960s, the so-called "Tijuana Bibles" - hand—drawn pornographic comics - were popular in a number of US states.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, soon after the demonstration of the first-ever film "Arrival of the train at La Ciotat station", the first "blue" films appeared. No, the first pictures of the pornographic genre were in no way related to same-sex relationships, it was just the way they were then called.

The first erotic film was shot by Frenchmen Eugene Pirou and Albert Kirchner and it featured a female striptease. He was followed by hundreds of other paintings, with and without plots, among which were those that can be attributed to eroticism and quite obvious pornographic products.

9 stages of porn development — from the Stone Age to the present day

For a long time pornography existed on the other side of the law. In some countries it was condemned and banned, in others it was simply ignored. For the first time this genre was officially allowed in 1969 in Denmark. It was in this small European country that the first porn studios appeared, after which, gradually, the genre began to be legalized in other places of the planet.

Modern lovers of "adult" content are happy people — at the touch of a button they can access huge volumes of porn of any style and content. This, on the one hand, is good, but on the other hand, it may not affect the psyche in the best way and cause porn addiction.

