9 reasons why you can't leave a child alone in a car
Probably, every parent who has his own car has faced a situation when he had to think "How long can I leave my child alone in the car?". The answer to this question is categorical and unequivocal: if you need to leave even for a few minutes, in no case do not leave the child alone in a closed car! You can put his life and health in serious danger, and the consequences can be irreversible! We will describe 9 main reasons that will bring clarity to this ban in today's selection...

1. Accident in the parking lot
Even if you are completely sure that your car is safely and securely parked, you put it on the handbrake, and the engine is turned off, you still can never be sure of other drivers who may be in the same parking lot and through negligence "grind" or damage your vehicle. If at this moment a child is in a closed car, then at best he will get off with a serious fright. In the worst case, the consequences can be tragic ...

2. Car evacuation
If you accidentally parked your car in the wrong place and violated the parking rules, then your car with a child inside can be loaded onto a tow truck and delivered to a penalty area. While you rush about in search of the phone numbers of the traffic police or traffic police and find out which exact penalty area the car was driven to, a child in a locked car runs the risk of suffocating, getting heat stroke, etc.

3. Car theft
On average, it will take an experienced burglar no more than 5 minutes to hide your car. In a hurry, he can easily miss the child in the back seat, and then the scenario can take the most unfavorable outcome. A thief can frighten a child, drop him off in the middle of the road, or even kill him. If it seems to you that for the sake of a piece of iron no one is able to deprive a small defenseless child of life, then it seems to you ...
4. Heatstroke
One of the biggest mistakes of car owners and part-time parents is this particular item. The car, left even for 5 minutes in the sun, heats up very quickly from the inside. The situation in the cabin of such a car becomes like a tin can. Not only does the temperature rise, but so does the pressure, which can lead to a feeling of lack of oxygen and take the life of your child in a matter of minutes.
5. Risk of hypothermia
If it is a cold season outside and the air temperature is low, then the muffled car cools down very quickly. At this time, the child, who is most likely in a car without a jacket and limited in movement, can quickly and easily get serious hypothermia.
6. Playing with power windows
If your child can already open and close the windows in the car on his own, then you are at great risk leaving him alone in the cabin. One of the possible unfortunate consequences is suffocation with a power window.
7. The child can start the car
Children are very observant and already at the age of 3-4, they can easily remember and repeat the algorithm of actions that mom or dad makes in order to start a car. As a result, your child may end up in an uncontrolled car! This is dangerous not only for him but for all the people around this car.
8. The car can sink
Yes Yes! And this is also possible. If the car was parked near a river, lake, or any other body of water, then the child may not even know about it. Further, the scenario is already known: the baby can start the car or remove it from the parking brake and then the car will slowly roll into the water right along with the little passenger.
9. Short circuit in the car
Modern cars are crammed with all sorts of electronics and are increasingly moving away from manual (mechanical) control. It is for this reason that such a scenario as a short circuit is becoming more and more real every day. As a result of the short circuit, the car immediately ignites and begins to burn. A child locked in a car will either suffocate from the acrid smoke or burn to death in a matter of minutes.
10. In support of all of the above, we want to provide you with statistics on child mortality associated with the fact that a parent left his child alone in the car. More than 700 children have died from this cause since 1998. So think 100 times before leaving your child in the car even for a minute!
Keywords: Child | Children | Kids | Family | Fatherhood | Car | Auto | Danger | People | Parents | Life | Health