7 toy abominations that should never have made it to stores

Toys for children are clearly made with good intentions, but sometimes the creativity of adults goes so far that inventions become real failures.

Pictolic has collected the most dubious toy designs that are so bad you don't even know whether to laugh or cry when looking at them.


7 toy abominations that should never have made it to stores

1. This is the strangest ponytail ever.

7 toy abominations that should never have made it to stores

2. Such an innocent toy ...

7 toy abominations that should never have made it to stores

3. Isn't she too young to have a baby?

7 toy abominations that should never have made it to stores

4. Where is the rest of his body?

7 toy abominations that should never have made it to stores

5. I bet this Wonder Woman does great haircuts.

7 toy abominations that should never have made it to stores

6. Poop floats. Who doubted it?

7 toy abominations that should never have made it to stores

7. This kid is definitely ready to have some fun.

Keywords: Toys | Children | Design | Fail | Inventions | Creativity | Failures | People | Production | Kids | Toy abominations

