7 incredible stories of survival of babies

Categories: Children |

The heroes of this article is to infants, which had a terrible test immediately after birth: shot in the chest and three days without food and water; the fall from the eighth floor; a day spent in the den of a wild animal.

7 incredible stories of survival of babies
7 incredible stories of survival of babies

Newborn baby boy who was found in a sewer pipe

7 incredible stories of survival of babies
7 incredible stories of survival of babies

This shocking incident happened in China.

One of the residents of the apartment building heard coming from somewhere in the sewer baby crying and called the police. The plot is about a two-hour rescue operation showed all the Chinese news channels, the news quickly spread through the Internet. The boy got trapped in a pipe with a diameter of only 10 cm and release it had, breaking the pipe literally centimeters. He was still in the placenta weighed 2.8 kg, the skin on the head, hands and legs ripped off in places, but overall, no serious injuries, thankfully, was not.

7 incredible stories of survival of babies
7 incredible stories of survival of babies

While the name is saved Newborn No. 59 – number of medical incubator, where he was placed. Every day the Chinese bring to the hospital diapers, baby clothes, powdered milk – in General, all that you may need for the baby. Already a long queue of those wishing to adopt the little sufferer.

To understand how the child ended up in the pipe, it was not difficult, the police opened a criminal case under the article "attempt at murder".

The girl who was born 21 weeks and six days after conception

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

Amelia was born 21 weeks and six days after conception. It is the smallest surviving premature babies in the world. Just look at these doll leg in the fingers of the doctor in the photo above, to understand how little she was. Weight Amelia after birth was 284 grams, height – 25 cm Skin was delicate as rice paper.

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

The only reason why the doctor took over the "hopeless case" to save her desperate pleas of his mother.

A newborn girl who was crying in the morgue 12 hours after it has been installed her death

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

Luz Milagros Veron (which translates as "marvelous light") – a strong one-year-old girl with incredible birth story. She was born three months before the due date and did not show signs of life. The doctor felt her stillborn and sent to the morgue. Now the girl is alive only because her parents insisted that they showed the body to say goodbye. During the "farewell" through 12 hours in a closed coffin, the girl stirred and began to cry. She was cold as ice but definitely alive. Since then, Luz Milagros growing by leaps and bounds, and becomes stronger with each passing day.

The baby, who spent 24 hours in the Armadillo holes

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

This chilling story took place in 2006. Police found a newborn baby boy is buried in the Armadillo burrow on the outskirts of a small Brazilian town. In this hole of a child lay not less than 24 hours. When the boy was found, he was still in the placenta, sticking out of the ground only the head, around which gathered a swarm of midges.

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

At first, the baby seemed to rescuers dead, but then it turned out that he was just sleeping soundly. As soon as the baby's mouth released from the inside of the earth, he cried.

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

The police managed to track down the mother of the child. She was 40-year-old Ferreira Guimares, the mother of four children, the youngest of which at that time was five years old.

A child who immediately after birth fell through the toilet on the railroad tracks

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

This case is rightfully called a miracle, the baby girl fell into the hole of the toilet on the train and survived. Pregnant Rinku Debbie ray is traveling with her husband and four-year-old in Bihar (India), to her parents, where she planned to have a second child.

On the train she has a stomach ache, she went to the toilet and then wants the baby to be born. Everything happened in an instant the child jumped out of the mother's body and into the toilet, which ended just a hole leading directly into the path. The woman ran to her husband, he hit the brakes, and then they both ran to look for the child. Surprisingly, after such an adventure on the body of the girl was not discovered serious damage, only light bruises and scratches.

The baby survived the fall from the eighth floor

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

This child, like some others on our list, is clearly not lucky with the mother. What this woman had in mind is not known, only immediately after birth, she dropped her son into the garbage disposal. From the eighth floor.

Fortunately, the pile of debris that landed baby, was soft and he survived. From time to time the accumulated waste is compressed to free up space – it's scary to think this could have happened shortly after the poor kid was there. But then fate was on the side of the child crying soon heard-worker, who called the police.

The boy was taken to hospital in Brooklyn, and now he's okay.

The baby who survived a shot to the chest and three days without food and drink

7 incredible stories of survival of babies

The couple from Argentina was sure that in this world there are very few that soon because of global warming all have painful death. The only way to save their children from this "dire share" they considered murder. Then Francisco Lotero and Miriam Coletti shot his two-year son in the back, seven-month-old daughter in the chest, and then with a sense of accomplishment shot themselves.

Three days later, the police received a call from neighbors who complained of the awful smell from the apartment of crazy fanatics.

Revealing the apartment, law enforcement officials found the bodies of the parents and the boy. And baby survived despite being shot in the chest and three days without food and drink. Surprisingly, as soon as it fell into the hands of the doctors, got better almost immediately, and soon was completely healthy.

Keywords: Rescue | Children | Infant

