6 finds from the past that surprised even their owners

The past should stay in the past, they say. However, sometimes the past catches up with you unexpectedly. For example, the scent of perfume can take you back generations, or an old soda machine can be a family heirloom. Such finds from the past can amaze not only those who find them but also everyone around.

We found 6 people who were amazed by their findings from the past and want our readers to be amazed too.


6 finds from the past that surprised even their owners

1. A unique rattan finds: the gossip bench.

6 finds from the past that surprised even their owners

2. Portable radio/TV/cassette player from the late 70s. It still works.

6 finds from the past that surprised even their owners

3. A set of Coca-Cola screwdrivers from 1982.

6 finds from the past that surprised even their owners

4. Superb 1930s art deco milk glass lamp.

6 finds from the past that surprised even their owners

5. Vintage Disneyland Weebles playset from 1977.

6 finds from the past that surprised even their owners

6. An old cell phone with an additional chat board for "easy" texting.

Keywords: Finds | Inventions | Owners | Back generations | Machines | Brands | Production | People

