6 events that happened only once in history

Categories: History | Science | World |

Our world is not without miracles: sometimes amazing things happen, moreover, sometimes they repeat themselves. For example, did you know that the Mississippi turned back and for some time in the other direction? And that it was not once,but three times? But there are really unique phenomena that happen only once.

6 events that happened only once in history
6 events that happened only once in history

"I'm drowning! Someone save me! I am dying in Zhiguli beer... — - the situation with the cunning mouse from the fable of Sergei Mikhalkov, who fell into a barrel of beer, was familiar to residents of London at the beginning of the XIX century.

In October 1814, at the brewery on A beer tank exploded on Tottenham Court Road, causing a chain reaction in other tanks: as a result, 1.5 million liters of excellent foam drink poured into the street. The beer wave tore down walls and destroyed buildings.

As a result of the beer flood, 9 people died — 8 of them drowned, and one died as a result of alcohol poisoning. The incident was recognized as a natural disaster, and the victims were not able to recover money from the manufacturer.

6 events that happened only once in history

On September 1, 1859, British astronomer Richard Carrington observed solar flares that led to the strongest geomagnetic storm in at least the last 500 years. The result was impressive: all the telegraph networks in Europe and North America failed, and the northern lights were observed all over the world, even over the Caribbean.

6 events that happened only once in history

In 1967, humanity set a goal: to get rid of natural (black) smallpox forever, which claimed 2 million lives a year, while leaving the survivors disfigured.

It took more than 10 years — the last case of smallpox was recorded in 1978, and in 1979 the disease was officially declared eradicated. To date, this is the only disease that people have managed to get rid of completely, once and for all.

6 events that happened only once in history

In our Solar system, there are only two planets from the class of ice giants — that is, consisting of water, ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide and rocks — Uranus and Neptune. In 1977, the Voyager 2 spacecraft was launched, which became the first and so far the only one to reach Uranus (in 1986) and Neptune (in 1989).

6 events that happened only once in history

Can you imagine that the cavalry in company with the infantry captured the fleet-14 ships of the line with 850 guns and several merchant ships? And there was such a thing! In January 1795, the Dutch fleet was anchored near Amsterdam. The winters were cold, the sea was covered with ice,and the ships were literally frozen. This helped the enterprising French to capture the enemy.

6 events that happened only once in history

Every second, 567 thousand liters of water comes crashing down from Niagara. But if you had arrived there in the summer of 1969, you would not have seen any grandiose cascades of water: as a result of the erosion control work, the waterfall became dry for several months.

However, this did not reduce the tourist interest at all: almost 90 thousand people came to Niagara Falls in just the first dry weekend. Some even managed to walk along the dry riverbed.

Keywords: Selection | Events | Uniqueness | Facts

