6 ancient places people believe were built by aliens

Those who believe in the existence of aliens often point to events and peculiar locations on Earth as evidence of extraterrestrial life. In particular, the creation of some ancient architectural objects is considered the work of advanced alien civilizations.

Here are six historical sites that some belief were created by aliens.


6 ancient places people believe were built by aliens

1. Geoglyphs of Nazca.

In the Nazca Desert, 320 kilometers southeast of Lima, you can find a curious collection of over 800 long lines in seemingly random locations. Animal etchings and geometric shapes also appear on a large scale, with the largest being 365 meters. The scale of these markings makes them clearly visible from the air, leading some alien believers to speculate that they must be the work of otherworldly beings. After all, how could an ancient man draw lines with this level of symmetry and precision without being able to fly?

While modern scientists have figured out how to make lines without spatial beam lasers, the arguments for creating them remain a matter of debate.

6 ancient places people believe were built by aliens

2. Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu in Peru raises some questions about the ability of people to build such a structure at the time.

6 ancient places people believe were built by aliens

3. Pyramids of Giza.

The world-famous pyramids of Egypt are generally accepted as the work of the ancients with the technology available to them at the time. However, some skeptics point to the positioning of the Giza Pyramids as evidence of alien involvement.

The pyramids line up precisely in the constellation of Orion, which is associated with a level of accuracy unusual for artisans of the time.

6 ancient places people believe were built by aliens

4. Sacsayhuaman.

Some believe aliens were responsible for creating Sacsayhuaman, a fortress in Cusco that is more than 1,000 years old, according to National Geographic.

But as National Geographic notes, the Incas were actually advanced and had talented artisans.

6 ancient places people believe were built by aliens

5. Puma Punku.

Pumapunku is a series of stone structures in Tiwanaku in Bolivia. Visitors often notice how precisely the stones are cut. This is certainly impressive and some believe that the structure was created by aliens.

6 ancient places people believe were built by aliens

6. Teotihuacan.

The city of Teotihuacan is best known for its legendary buildings, namely the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon. Many also remember the mysterious disappearance of the people who called it home. As the fate of the city remains a mystery, many are turning to alien theories to explain it.

Some have suggested that Teotihuacan's structures (in particular the pyramids) are associated with advanced mathematical principles and, like the Pyramids of Giza, could be constructed to match cosmic formations.

Keywords: Travel | World | Country | City | Places | Ancient | Old | Aliens | Space | Galaxy | People | Earth | Evidence | Life | Location | Architecture | Design | Civilization | History

