5 friendliest bird species

Unsurprisingly, many people want poultry to be friendly, gentle, and well-suited to be a companion. It is easier to bond with and care for an animal that is naturally friendly than one that tends to be timid or aggressive. Here are eight of the friendliest poultry species that usually make great companions.

While all poultry should be treated as individuals, the risk of bites and aggression can be minimized by choosing a species known for its gentle and outgoing behavior.


5 friendliest bird species

1. Budgerigar.

Popular all over the world, budgies are among the best poultry for a reason. When properly tamed and cared for, these birds can be extremely friendly and affectionate. In addition to being small and low maintenance, budgerigars are highly trainable and can learn many fun tricks, including learning to speak.

5 friendliest bird species

2. Corella.

The adorable cockatiel is another great choice for those looking for friendly and affectionate poultry. Native to Australia, these birds make excellent pets when hand-fed in infancy and growing up in favorable conditions. Although they usually don't learn to speak, cockatiels are exceptionally intelligent. Many people learn to whistle quite well and simulate common household sounds such as doorbells, telephones, and microwave ovens.

5 friendliest bird species

3. Cockatoo.

If you prefer large poultry that is friendly and affectionate, the cockatoo can be a great choice. These beautiful birds are very attached to their owners and prefer to be with them as often as possible. It is imperative that you have sufficient time to interact with the bird. Cockatoos can become depressed if not given enough attention and may resort to feather plucking or other destructive behavior.

5 friendliest bird species

4. Hyacinth macaw.

The hyacinth macaws, known as "gentle giants", are the largest of all parrots. And as sociable and friendly birds, they love to spend time playing and cuddling with their owners. Due to their size, it can be difficult for most people to provide adequate housing for these birds. But those who are able to meet their needs are rewarded with an incredible relationship with their feathered friend.

5 friendliest bird species

5. Dove.

You may not immediately think of a pigeon as friendly poultry, but hand-fed domestic pigeons are known for their extraordinary tenderness. These birds rarely bite, and even people with limited experience with birds usually find it easy to train and communicate with pigeons. They enjoy interacting with their caregivers, but they usually do not require undue attention.

Keywords: Birds | Animals | Nature | Beauty | People | Friendship | World

