28 AI-Generated Pics Of The Wild Reality Behind The Magical Curtains Of Hogwarts
You know what - it was not for nothing that Mr. Arthur Weasley had a thing for various technologies and all sorts of mechanisms created by Muggles! At least now we know for sure that Muggles are omnipresent - after all, we have stumbled upon some unique footage from CCTVs, secretly installed within the walls of Hogwarts about thirty years ago!
Well, of course, it couldn’t have happened without AI. All the images recently posted by the user Mc. Baldiee on TikTok is stylized as grainy black-and-white shots, but each photo shows at least a good imagination and familiarity with the Harry Potter book plot. After all, the original video received 9.4M views and inspired the author to carry out the following experiments...
More info: Tiktok



It is symbolic that this is not the first time the author of the account has touched on the topic of popular culture - among their creations, there are references to various TV series, as well as, for example, The Lord of the Rings movie... but it was the video with secret footage from Hogwarts that became truly breakthrough. The second similar video also went viral, already gaining 1.5M views and counting.
In the relatively short period of time that generative art entered our lives, artificial intelligence has managed to create so much content that it would be enough for several more civilizations similar to ours. But people have already become seriously bored with such content, and often, a selection in line with 'AI imagined how [X] heroes would be like in the [Y] world' is perceived negatively literally right away. So what's the matter?
One of the spies during the Cold War once wrote in his book that a legend should first of all correspond to the personality and only then to external verisimilitude. If we transfer the concept to generative content, then any AI creation must have an original human idea behind it. And with this list, it seems to me, there are no problems in this collection.
At least, even if we take into account that Hogwarts by its nature was an elite private school, this does not mean at all that several hundred teenagers in a relatively small area did not do typical teenage things that are common for any British or American high school. And that, for example, Hagrid, whose very last name comes from the Old English word meaning 'hangover,' was not without certain flaws... as, indeed, was any Hogwarts professor.
Keywords: AI-Generated Pics | Hogwarts | Technologies | AI | Walls of Hogwarts | Harry Potter