22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

Categories: Positive | Society | World |

There are people who can sleep anytime and anywhere. And it is about people, we want to tell you. Or rather, to show how cleverly they manage to dream!

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places
22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places
22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places
22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

While you were sleeping...

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places
22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

Who says waiting rooms are uncomfortable, just do not know how to expect as this guy.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

"I'll stay here a little bit, if you don't mind"

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

Somebody explain to the man how to properly use!

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

In Japan sleeping on the streets people is the norm.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

Everyone comfortable?

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

And you still can't sleep when the pillow lying crooked?!

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

"I'm in the house"

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

I think someone had a little too much...

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

And the cow don't mind?

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

Sometimes you want to hide from all prying eyes and... just to sleep.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

We look, the girls — masters of sleep in awkward positions.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

Look! How is this even possible?

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

Oops! A little bit slipped.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

When very much I want to sleep, nothing will be a hindrance!

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

That's what it means to "curl up".

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

The important thing is that he has taken refuge.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

All your carried with me. More weirdos in the subway you can see on the link.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

The face is seen, which is convenient.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

Man, you have chosen not the most successful car...

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

A real friend always sfotkatsya you in an awkward form and put this on the network.

22 photos of people asleep in the most unexpected places

And the prize for sleeping in the most unfortunate position goes to this guy. Don't know how he does it, but he's got a lot to learn.

Keywords: Surprise | Compilation | Funny | Sleep | Fatigue | Sense of humor

