22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Categories: Cinema | Culture | World |

If connoisseurs of painting and film fans were at the same table, they would be surprised to find a common topic of conversation - the revived masterpieces of great painters in cult films of our time. It remains to pay tribute to the Greek philosopher Hippocrates, who came to the famous conclusion that life is short and art is eternal.

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films
In this collection we will reveal the secret of the inspiration of famous directors, comparing the canvases of great artists with the frames of successful films, many of which you have definitely seen or come to see. You definitely didn't expect this!

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

The film: "Dunkirk", Christopher Nolan (2017) and the picture: "The Wanderer over the Sea of Fog", Kaspar David Friedrich (1818)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

The film: "Oil", Paul Thomas Anderson (2007) and the picture: "A young man sitting on the seashore", Jean Hippolyte Flandrin (1836)

Film: "The Fifth Element", Luc Besson - picture: "Broken Column", Frida Kahlo

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Movie: "Sexy Creature", Jonathan Glazer (2000)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Picture: "Over the City", Marc Chagall (1918)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Movie: "Forest Gump", Robert Zemeckis (1994)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Picture: "The World of Christina", Andrew Wyeth (1948)

Film: "A Clockwork Orange", Stanley Kubrick (1871) and the painting "Prisoners", Vincent Van Gogh (1890)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

The films "Fight Club", David Fincher (1999), "The Godfather 2", Francis Ford Coppola (1974) and the picture: "The Death of Marat", Jacques-Louis David (1793)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: "The Beginning", Christopher Nolan (2010)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Picture: "Ascent and Descent", Mauritz Escher (1960)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino (2012) and the painting: The Boy in Blue, Thomas Gainsborough (1770)

Film: "Psychosis", Alfred Hitchcock (1960) and the picture: "The House by the Yellow Road", Edward Hopper (1925)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: "Melancholy", Lars von Trier (2012) and picture: "oPhelia", John Everett Millet (1852)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: "Stay in My Shoes", Jonathan Glazer (2013)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Painting: "The Wanderer over the sea of fog", Kaspar David Friedrich (1818)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Movie: "Empire of the Sun", Steven Spielberg (1987)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Painting: "Freedom from Fear", Norman Rockwell (1943)

Film: "Viridiana", Luis Bunuel (1961) and the picture: "The Last Supper", Leonardo da Vinci (1498)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Movie: Avatar, James Cameron (2009)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Picture: "Flying Islands", Roger Dean (1993)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: "Difficulties of Translation", Sofia Coppola (2003)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Picture: "Jutta", John Kachere (1973)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: "Labyrinth", Jim Henson (1986) and picture: "Relativity", Mauritz Cornelis Escher (1953)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: "The American in Paris", Vincent Minnelli (1951) and the painting: "Chocolate Dance", Henri Toulouse-lAutrec (1896)

Film: "Shirley: Images of Reality", Gustav Deutsch (2013)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Painting: "Morning Sun", Edward Hopper (1952)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

The film: "Sheep's Cheese", Pier Paolo Pasolini (1963) and the picture: "The Removal from the Cross", Giovanni Battista Rosso Fiorentino (1521)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

The film: "The Thomas Crown Scam", John McTiernan (1999) and the picture: "Son of Man", Rene Magritte (1964)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

The film "The Mirror", Andrey Tarkovsky (1975)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Painting: "Hunters in the Snow", Pieter Brueghel (1565)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: "Cabaret", Bob Foss (1972) and the picture: "Portrait of the journalist Sylvia von Harden", Otto Dix (1926)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

Film: "The Skin I Live in", Pedro Almodavar (2011) and the picture: Venus with Cupid and the Organist, Titian (1549)

22+ masterpieces of great painters, encrypted in cult films

The film: "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", Terry Gilliam (1988) and the picture: "The Birth of Venus", Sandro Botticelli (1484)

Keywords: Riddle | Pictures | Comparison | Movies

