17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

Categories: Children |

We present a list of absolutely unhealthy, well, just the wildest of children's toys. Scary to think, whose minds could come up with. Hold on tight!

(21 photos)

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children
Source: buzzfeed.com

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

1. Not interested in where the horses take the tail?

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

2. Live and learn, though.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

3. This Specialen!

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

4. This "Teletubbies" has seen a lot.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children


17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children


17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

7. Robert COP: "my Friends call me Robert. You might also call me Robert".

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

8. No, no, no, nothing like!

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

9. Harry Potter and the pink hand.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

10. Some of the subway that sit.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

11. Titanic-bot: iceberg-bot buy separately.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

12. Repeat: this is not a vibrator!

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children


17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

14. I miss the days when dolls look like they want to kill you in your sleep.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

15. Role-playing security at the airport!

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

16. I have seen the face of God, and he cried.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

17. Well, you understand.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

18. Merry.

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

19. Go back to the unforgettable atmosphere at the dentist!

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

20. "Please, kill me!"

17 toys, invented by people who very well, not like children

21. Just Russian roulette for kids or anything.

Keywords: Toys

