17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist

Categories: Beauty | Fashion | People | Photo project | Society |

Throughout history, hair has carried a lot of symbolic value. Across various cultures, we find diverse meanings attached to it, using it as a marker of ethnicity, identity, spirituality, rebellion, beauty, and even status. Embracing our hair has the power to boost our confidence and empower us. It’s also one part of our body we can change up, have fun with, and express ourselves through without causing permanent damage. 

Living by this mindset, Portuguese artistic hairstylist Gue Ōliveira helps people feel more confident in their locks by giving them jaw-dropping makeovers. Keep scrolling to find some amazing before and afters, and be warned that they’re so good that you might feel tempted to book your appointment ASAP.


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


The InStyle magazine survey has found that about 66% of women feel that their hairstyle is due for a makeover. 25% of those felt that a color change would make them more satisfied with their hairstyle. Meanwhile, 48% of women surveyed believed that they needed a good haircut to be more happy with their mane. 

Men have their concerns about hair too, with 49% confessing to being very worried about how their hairstyle looked. Similar to women, 70% of male respondents reported that they would like to change something about their hair. 

17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


Many people feel the urge to go through a major transformation because a new hairdo can feel like a fresh start. “For many, a hair transformation can represent a new version of themselves. A transformation in our appearance is a way of reflecting our inner world.

It can be used to creatively express our personality and how we want to be perceived by others. Opting for a hair makeover that feels good and authentic to you can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem,” says psychological coach Lucy Spicer.

17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


Stressful events especially motivate us to seek makeovers, which can provide a cathartic experience. “When we go through a period of change that is painful for us, we tend to make decisions that offer us immediate relief. We want to free ourselves from strong emotions,” says psychotherapist Rebecca Newman.

17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


Another reason we might feel the urge for a transformation is to gain a sense of control. When we feel like our life is slipping through our fingers and we feel powerless over certain situations, deciding to color or cut our hair can make us feel in charge.

17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


However, before committing to a drastic change, it may be helpful to think through a few things to ensure that the person doesn’t regret the new hairdo the next day. Artistic hair expert Sareena Acharya urges clients to ask themselves why they’re opting for a makeover and what their level of commitment is towards maintaining it.

17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


17 Stunning Before And After Hair Makeovers By This Stylist


Keywords: Stunning hairstyles | Before and after | Transformations | Confidence | Beauty | Haircuts

