17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

Categories: Food and Drinks |

There are few adherents of dietary healthy food among average Americans. Despite the huge number of various websites about proper nutrition and promoting a healthy lifestyle, this country seems to be specially inventing dishes that can weaken health as much as possible. We offer you 17 dishes from American restaurants with a terrifyingly huge calorie content.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content
17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

1. Combo Lo Mein, P.F. Chang, 1968 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

2. Avocado and egg Rolls, Cheesecake Factory, 963 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

3. Salad with crispy chicken and pecans (with sauce), T.G.I. Friday's, 1,360 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

4. Morning CroisSONIC sandwich, Sonic, 650 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

5. Brownie Blue Ribbon, Applebee's, 1290 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

6. Shake PB&C, Coldstone Creamery, 2010 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

7. Onion Bloomin, Outback Steakhouse, 1948 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

8. Venti white chocolate mocha, Starbucks, 620 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

9. Caesar salad with chicken (with sauce), Macaroni Grill, 870 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

10. Chicken steak with eggs and sausage, IHOP, 1850 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

11. Marinara Sub with meatballs, Subway, 560 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

12. Fish with fried potatoes, Cheesecake Factory, 1920 calories

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

13. Turkey sandwich Full Sierra, Panera Bread, 810 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

14. Tuscan hummus with pita bread, California Pizza Kitchen, 970 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

15. Tomato soup with basil Aurora, Cosi, 597 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

16. Standard-sized Pecanbon, Cinnabon, 1080 calories.

17 dishes in US restaurants with an appallingly huge calorie content

17. Carbonara Pasta with chicken, Cheesecake Factory, 2290 calories.

Keywords: Dish | Calories | Restaurant | Usa

