17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

Categories: Positive |

Do you like to play Pokemon Go at any time of the day or night? Well, after such incarnations, Pikachu will have to stop playing night games. Get ready: such imitations can provoke either nightmares or uncontrollable bouts of laughter. A stoned Pikachu in all possible variants will haunt you until the end of days, and you will no longer want to catch him with your phone.

(17 photos in total)

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"
17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"
17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"
17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

How do you like this overweight Pikachu, carefully holding the phone?

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"
17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

I would not like to have this creature hugged by the shoulders from behind.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

Pikachu has just experienced the whole decay of life.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

Pikachu through the eyes of Cossacks.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

Pikachu offers to have a good time. He's obviously hinting at something.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

A blind Pikachu takes a selfie.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

There's something wrong with this Pikachu. It looks like he's uprooted.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

But this one is for sure.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

Where do people disappear to?!

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

Makeup advice for desperate housewives whose husbands are too addicted to the game.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

It's time to put Pikachu on a diet.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

And this is makeup for the bravest, whose husband has completely stopped responding to external stimuli because of Pokemon Go.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

He's up to something.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

So that's what you are, Pikachu without a T-shirt!

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

Beware, he will lead you to the edge of the cliff.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

Slightly tired and haggard from the endless pursuit of Pikachu.

17 creepy photos that will make you say to Pikachu: "I don't want to!"

In general, citizens, do not abuse Pokemon Go, otherwise you will end up like this aunt.

Keywords: Pokemon Go | Heroes | Toys | Cosplay | Costumes | Pokemon | Humor

