17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

Have you ever imagined what would happen if you cross two completely different animals? California artist Sarah Deremer has created very unusual animal hybrids using Photoshop and imagination. How would you call them?


17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination
17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

1. Piglet.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination
17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

2. Kitten chicken.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination
17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

3. Orlopanda.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

4. Dog python.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

5. Cat Sparrow.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

6. Monkey tiger.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

7. Porosenosphinx.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

8. Chihuahua chicken.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

9. Goat parrot.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

10. Cat Sparrow.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

11. Reindeer bear.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

12. Akulothapir.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

13. Tiger kitten.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

14. Cattopauk.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

15. Chanterelle bird.

17 bizarre and amazing animal hybrids created by the imagination

17. Hedgehog.

Keywords: Imagination | Animal | Design | Photo manipulation | Photoshop | World | Creation | Picture