16 small domestic disasters that accidentally became the highlight of the photo
Photography is a unique genre where the fixation of an event takes place against our wishes and only chance and skill give an amazing result. And sometimes chance plays too significant a role. That's when such pictures appear, which you can't look at without pain.
End of career
"Dad, I don't think baseball is my thing!"
Here it is, the happiness of having a younger brother.
A single whole
There's no telling where the boy ends and the ball begins!
Social injustice
"I wanted this ball, and that guy isn't even happy about it!"
The best selfie
"Lunch selfie time!"
Healing mud
"Come on! You're going swimming anyway!"
Snow Battle
"What is it?! Has winter already begun?"
Summer fun
A new kind of jump is a carnation.
"Guys, we agreed that we would swim, not fly!"
It's more fun together
This dog is not having a great day today.
New traditions
Now the bride and groom are not sprinkled, but poured over.
"You smell like a cutlet!"
Spectacular somersault
The main thing is the first impression.
Paranormal phenomena
"Girlfriend, it seems that a water cloud has attacked you!"
Animal passion
"Don't go, wait!"
The fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Keywords: Moments | Accident | Photograph