16 psychological facts you might not know about people

Learning something new about yourself is always interesting and entertaining. And psychology will help us with this. Fullpiccha has compiled a list of the most amazing psychology facts that will help you understand yourself and others.


16 psychological facts you might not know about people

1. Any friendship that is born between the ages of 16 and 28 is likely to be reliable and lasting.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

2. Women prefer men with deep, hoarse voices because they seem more confident and not aggressive.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

3. The people who give the best advice tend to have a lot of problems themselves. But don't think that professional psychologists have psychological problems. Nevertheless, psychologists are specially trained in their craft and do not share ordinary life experiences.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

4. People who have strong feelings of guilt have a better understanding of the thoughts and feelings of others.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

5. Men are not funnier than women. It's just that men often joke without even thinking about how others perceive their humor.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

6. Women have twice as many pain receptors on their bodies as men. But women also bear pain more easily than men.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

7. If you cannot stop the flow of thoughts at night, stand up and write them down. This will calm your mind and allow you to fall asleep.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

8. Good morning and good night - these two phrases received in the form of a text message activate the part of the brain that is responsible for happiness.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

9. Doing things that scare you will make you happier.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

10. The happier a person is, the less sleep he needs.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

11. When you hold the hand of a loved one, you feel less pain and less anxiety.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

12. Smart people tend to have fewer friends. The smarter a person is, the more selective he becomes.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

13. If you marry your best friend or marry your best friend, this marriage is likely to last a lifetime.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

14. Women who have mostly male friends are in a good mood more often.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

15. Long loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

16 psychological facts you might not know about people

16. Traveling improves brain health and also reduces the risk of heart attack and depression.

Keywords: Psychology | Facts | People | Human | Science | Society | World | Brain | Mood | Body language | Entertainment

