15 years on the ISS: the best shots

Categories: Space |

15 years ago, on November 2, 2000, the crew of the first main expedition arrived on board the International Space Station - Commander William Shepherd, pilot Yuri Gidzenko and flight engineer Sergei Krikalev. Today, the 45th expedition is already working on the ISS.

During their work on the ISS, crew members transmitted more than 2.7 million images to Earth. For the anniversary of the arrival of the first expedition, the NASA photo lab posted the best of them.

(Total 18 photos)

15 years on the ISS: the best shots
Source: flickr.com

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

1. Engineer Terry Wirths catches his reflection and sunrise, December 2, 2014

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

2. Samantha Cristoforetti on the ISS, February 28, 2015

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

3. Urban lighting in Northern Europe - shot taken by Expedition 43 crew member Samantha Cristoforetti, April 6, 2015

15 years on the ISS: the best shots


15 years on the ISS: the best shots

5. Spain and Italy, photo taken by the Expedition 43 crew aboard the ISS, March 28, 2015

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

6. Bad weather photo taken by the Expedition 43 crew aboard the ISS, August 29, 2015

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

7. Category 5 typhoon heading towards the Philippines, March 31, 2015

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

8. Night Earth, taken by a member of the 44th expedition, August 10, 2015

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

9. View of the Japanese unmanned cargo ship H-II Transfer Vehicle 6, August 24, 2015

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

10. City lights taken by a member of the 45th expedition, October 18, 2015

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

11. Sunrise captured by Expedition 41 member Alex Gerst on September 13, 2014

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

12. Automatic cargo ship, shot by Expedition 41 member Alex Gerst, September 13, 2014

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

13. Italy, shot taken by a member of the 40th expedition aboard the ISS, July 26, 2014

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

14. Aurora, taken by a member of the 29th expedition aboard the ISS, September 17, 2011

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

15. ISS photo taken by Expedition 27 member Paolo Nespoli from Soyuz TMA-20, May 23, 2011

15 years on the ISS: the best shots


15 years on the ISS: the best shots

17. Aurora, taken by the 40th expedition, July 15, 2014

15 years on the ISS: the best shots

18. Star trail created using photographs of the 31st expedition, June 14, 2012

Keywords: NASA | ISS | Expedition

