15 situations that can infuriate even the most unflappable people
For some reason, we are sure that you definitely have friends whose restraint and even composure you secretly envy. They are not nervous when they drop things, when the computer or phone" slows down " and are completely calm about the fact that sometimes the doors of stores close right in front of their noses. Or maybe you are the lucky one?
In any case, we have found 15 situations that can annoy even the most unflappable people. We offer you to test your nerves!

"My dad never takes the stickers off his things, and yells at me if I even touch them."»

"My wife threw out this jar of peanut butter, claiming it was empty»
I want to take it and finish it.
"An update is being installed. Please do not turn off the computer"... and so on all night.
People who wear glasses will understand.
"The courier delivered the box to a safe place… Left it in the rain near the mailbox, where it could easily have been stolen»
And you call it peeled tangerines?!
It won't be easy…
But I wanted to do everything carefully.
When I ordered a pizza with a huge variety of fillings.
I want to tear off the hands of the one who put this tile.
And to the person who installed these lamps.
Put the carts back in place? No, you haven't.
"My workbook…Why did they do that?»
"Good morning!»
Keywords: Anger | Nerves | Compilation | Funny | Photo compilation | Humor