14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

We definitely live in a different world than the one our grandparents knew decades ago. It is interesting to look at photographs from the past and understand how much larger household appliances were, transportation was much slower, fashion was more conservative, and some familiar landmarks were even unrecognizable. Whether life was harder or better, we can all agree that the old days have that mysterious charm that attracts us.

At Pictolic, we've put together a charming selection of old versus new photographs that confirm the strong influence of time.


14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

1. Fashion for swimwear.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

2. Children's games.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

3. Transport.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

4. Music.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

5. Water sports.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

6. Tokyo.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

7. Sydney Harbor Bridge.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

7. Sydney Harbor Bridge.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

8. Calculator.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

9. Refrigerator.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

10. Computer.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

11. Beirut.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

12. Washing machine.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

13. Azure Window, Malta.

14 photos that show how the world around us is changing dramatically

14. Statue of Martin Luther, Dresden.

Keywords: Photos | Photographs | World | People | Society | Fashion | History | Transportation | Charm

