12 Delicious Meals Inside Other Foods
You may have noticed a trend that often treats and snacks are served in other foods. For example, scrambled eggs cooked in different vegetables to give a unique shape or additional flavor, or soup served in a bowl of bread. Or bacon, chocolate and carved apples are used as a bowl.
With the rise of food and recipe websites and the explosion of gourmet culture, it's quite interesting to collect some of the internet's most popular dishes that you may not have seen yet. Bon appetit!

Egg and bacon cupcakes

Brandy caramel ice cream served in a carved apple.
Portobello mushroom pizza
Chocolate in strawberry glasses
Avocado baked with egg
Apple pie baked inside an apple
Ice cream in chocolate cups made with balloons
Raspberries stuffed with Hershey dragees
Apple slices with caramel jelly
M&M dragees on top of hershey melted bagels
Eggs cooked inside bell peppers
Indo-Duck-Chicken Turdaken!