12 celebrities who beat time

Categories: Celebrities |

Time does not stand still, years and even whole decades pass, many things change in this life. However, all this means nothing when we see famous people who seem to have uncovered the secret of the elixir of youth and have not aged a bit. Here are photos of people who seem to have made a deal with the devil.

(Total 12 photos)

12 celebrities who beat time
12 celebrities who beat time

1. Elijah Wood

12 celebrities who beat time

2. Pharrell Williams

12 celebrities who beat time

3. Sarah Jessica Parker

12 celebrities who beat time

4. Edward Norton

12 celebrities who beat time

5. Halle Berry

12 celebrities who beat time

6. Jennifer Aniston

12 celebrities who beat time

7. Will Smith

12 celebrities who beat time

8. Heidi Klum

12 celebrities who beat time

9. Julia Roberts

12 celebrities who beat time

10. Sandra Bullock

12 celebrities who beat time

11. Liv Tyler

12 celebrities who beat time

12. Keanu Reeves

Keywords: Age | Time | Old age | Elijah wood

