11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

No childhood should pass without watching cartoons. But if cartoons were not available to previous generations of children, today's children have access to dozens of them. And among these many fairy tales, we wanted to find those that really helped children understand important things about life and relationships between people.


11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

1. Monsters on vacation.

This cartoon helps the child understand that we should not judge a book by its cover and that the most important things are hidden inside. And although the family is the most important part of our life, children and parents do not always understand each other. Children should not be angry at their parents for being overprotective, and parents should understand the importance of giving their children freedom.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

2. Paranorman, or How to tame zombies.

This cartoon may seem a little scary, but it tries to explain to us one simple truth: we are often afraid of what we do not understand, and we try to destroy what we are afraid of. But sometimes it's enough just to help someone and give some support.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

3. Smallfoot.

This is a beautiful story that convinces the viewer to take care of nature, not harm animals and appreciate the life of any living being. And it's also about friendship, betrayal, support, and courage.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

4. Forward.

This is a story about why it is so important to appreciate the people around us and why we often take these people for granted. The world needs the magic that each of us has.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

5. The secret of Coco.

This unusual plot helps remind us that we must take care of ourselves and our family, appreciate the time we spend with our family members, and not be afraid to follow our dreams, even if the road to them seems difficult.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

6. Puzzle.

We have the right to experience all kinds of emotions, and sometimes these emotions cannot exist without each other. And every person has a complex inner world inside him, so patience and respect are extremely important.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

7. The secret world of Anna.

This cartoon reflects on the serious topic of death: it really exists and comes unexpectedly, but we must learn to live with it.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

8. Tito and the birds.

This cartoon touches on a topic that many adults should think about. It reminds us that sometimes we are responsible for all our problems and we tend to panic and fear things for no reason. And it is better to try to figure out what caused our fear and how to deal with it before making any decisions.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

9. Dad-mom goose.

Despite the fact that this cartoon is very simple and understandable for children, it has a very deep meaning. This shows that family is the most important thing that can make anyone, human or goose, feel needed, useful, and loved.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

10. City of heroes.

The cartoon focuses on many topics, but the most important are the issues of friendship, the importance of education and continuous personal development.

11 cartoons kids need to see before they finally grow up

11. Lorax.

This cartoon focuses on important questions about environmental issues on our planet and proves that we shouldn't cut the branch we sit on. The life of our planet and future generations of people depend on us.

Keywords: Cartoons | Childhood | Children | Generations | Relationships | Family | Kids | Entertainment | Cinema | Animations

