10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

Categories: Celebrities |

The events of recent days have attracted the attention of the whole world to Belarus. Everyone became interested in what kind of country it is, what it lives for and what its people decided to fight for. And at the same time, by the way, many people asked who this land gave to the world. As a result of this curiosity, a lot of interesting things turned out. For example, there were Hollywood stars with real Belarusian roots!

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots
10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

The actress and singer was born in a Jewish family. Gwyneth's ancestors came to the United States from different places: Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. So, we can say that the star has Belarusian ancestors.

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

The guitarist of the world-famous rock band Rammstein, Paul Landers, claims that he was born in East Berlin. But the German version of Wikipedia states that the musician was born in Brest. Paul himself categorically denies this, but some facts suggest that he is lying. Firstly, Landers knows Russian from somewhere and quite well, and secondly, for some reason he comes to Minsk as a tourist.

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

Winona's paternal grandfather was born in Therefore, we can assume that the origins of the stars of "Beetlejuice" and "Black Swan" are located in Belarus.

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

The family of soul and R&B singer Amy Winehouse moved to London at the end of the 19th century from Minsk.

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

The actor, who brilliantly played Indiana Jones, told about his Belarusian roots in 2008. In an interview with journalists, he said that his grandparents were born and lived in Minsk for a long time, and then emigrated to the United States. It is interesting that the actor's ancestors met only in the United States and only later learned that they lived almost nearby.

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

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10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

The legendary TV presenter, who became famous for his style of interviewing the whole world, said that his mother was born in Minsk, and his father was born in another Belarusian city — Pinsk.

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

During a press conference in Moscow in 2012, the Hollywood star said that her mother was born in Minsk. A little later, other details were revealed — Scarlett's great-grandparents lived in Nesvizh, a city in the Minsk region of Belarus.

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

The permanent leader of Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, also has Belarusian ancestors. The rocker's grandfather was named Charnyshevich, until he emigrated from his native Klichev, Mogilev province, to the United States. For an English-speaking country, such a surname was strange and Stephen's ancestor changed his surname to Tyler.

10 world-class stars with Belarusian roots

Not so long ago, the son-in-law of US President Donald Trump admitted that his ancestors are from Novogrudok, in Belarus. His grandparents survived the war in the Jewish ghetto and then emigrated to the United States. Jared's family still goes to Belarus to visit relatives.

Keywords: Actors | Ghetto | Grandfather | Stars | Minsk | Singer | Ancestors

