10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed

Cats rule the internet—and who doesn’t love that? They’re one of the most beloved animals on Earth. But they’re not just graceful creatures. Their innate refined derpiness also makes them perfect subjects for memes. 

The ‘Cats Without Context’ (@nocontextcats) Instagram page does exactly what it says on the tin and shares silly and funny photos of our fave felines doing weird things. We’ve collected some of the finest memes to show you, dear Pandas. So scroll down, upvote your faves, and be sure to share these pics with your pets, as well as your friends.

We all want our cats to live healthy, happy, and long lives. Bored Panda was interested in finding out what pet owners can do to check the health of their cats, and the friendly team at the PDSA walked us through what to keep in mind. Scroll down for the insights that PDSA Vet Claire Roberts shared with us.


10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


“Pets are part of our families, and we want them to be as happy and healthy as possible throughout their whole lives. It’s important to know what’s normal for your pet so you can easily spot when something is wrong or has changed. Giving your pet a regular health check at home can help you notice problems early on, which can make them easier (and more affordable!) to treat at the vets,” PDSA Vet Roberts told Bored Panda.

However, she warned that not all pets are used to their pet parents checking them over or touching them in certain areas of their bodies. “Always make sure your pet is relaxed and comfortable with you giving them a health check. Take things slowly, and stop if your pet is worried or stressed. Make the health check a positive experience, using treats and praise during and afterward,” she said.

10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


Here’s the advice that the PDSA gave cat owners: 

“Nose—it should be moist and soft plus clear of any snot or discharge. They should be able to breathe freely. 

“Eyes—they should be bright, clear, and open as normal. They should be free of any tears or discharge, and there shouldn’t be a lot of tear staining around the eyes. The fleshy bit around the eyeball, known as the conjunctiva, should be salmon pink.

“Ears—they should be free from a build-up of wax or excessive hair, free from any nasty smells, and the ear flap shouldn’t have any swelling.

“Teeth—only check your pet’s mouth if they are comfortable for you to do so. Your cat’s teeth should be clean and white, free of cracks or breaks, free of staining, and remember to check for any missing teeth.

“Gums—whilst checking your pet’s teeth, if they’re comfortable with you looking in their mouth, you can also check their gums. Have a look at and feel your pet’s gums. They should be a fleshy salmon-pink color, moist, and free of any lumps and bumps."

10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


“Coat—it should be free of knots and mats, free of ticks, fleas, flea dirt, or other parasites, free of dandruff. (This line also started with an extra space)

“Skin—it should be free of any rashes, lumps, and bumps, not have any bald patches or fur missing, have no bad smells or wounds, discharge or infections.”

On top of all of these things to keep in mind during the health checks, cat owners should also look out for the various body language signs and behaviors that indicate that their pet is happy.

“For example, they might rub against your legs or roll on their side and show you their belly; although, don’t be tempted to touch it! Slow blinking is another sign that your cat is relaxed and happy, you can blink back at them to let them know you feel the same,” PDSA Vet Roberts said.

10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


The ‘Cats Without Context’ account was first started more than 4 years ago, in January 2020. In the years since, the curator of the account managed to attract a very sizable following. 137k humor and cat-loving people follow the page at the time of writing.

The main appeal of this social media project is how lighthearted it is. After all, who doesn’t like fun photos of cats in various situations?

Cat memes are a huge part of internet and meme culture because of how versatile, appealing, and relatable they are. On the surface level, you have an animal that showcases a very wide range of expressions.

Cattos seem to act silly, derpy, elegant, cute, refined, grumpy, sad, happy, and everything and anything in between. So, there’s a lot of range for content creators to work with. Meanwhile, the audience enjoys looking at funny and cute content.

10 Unhinged Cat Pics That Require No Context To Be Enjoyed


Keywords: Unhinged Cats | Cat pics | Cat photos | Funny cats | Memes | Funny memes | Animals

