10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

Categories: Nature | Science |

Although modern science is far advanced in understanding of the laws of nature, there are many things to explain that scientists are simply unable. In our review of ten seemingly simple questions, the answers to which yet.

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose
10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose
10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose
10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

1. Why do some mammals returned to the water

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose
10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

2. Cow during meals will always rotate to the North or South

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose
10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

3. Alkaloids in plants

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

4. Why do flowers grow all over the planet

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

5. Why near the equator reigns the diversity of life forms

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

6. The paradox of the phytoplankton

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

7. As Argentine ants create colonies on different continents

But puzzling scientists is not so much its habitat, as a social structure. Argentine ants recognize their counterparts in other continents, but aggressive towards ants of other species. In addition, modern genetic code ant has not changed for thousands of years. This is surprising, because organisms outside of their native environment, tend to quickly change.

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

8. Mysterious human ancestor

It should be noted that Denisovskaya hominids themselves surrounded by mystery, but science at least knows who they were and where they came from. The same cannot be said about an unknown species, which obviously multiplied denisovans about 30 000 years ago and which left a clear imprint in the DNA of the denisovans. In principle, all that is known about this type, is that he gave the denisovans strange set of teeth, which is nowhere else found in the animal world.

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

9. Animals that can live without oxygen

10 secrets of nature that scientists have failed to disclose

10. Sexual reproduction

Keywords: The secret | The mystery | Scientists

