10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

Politicians, however, like all people, do not mind sometimes relaxing and relaxing a bit. How, where, and with whom do the most famous politicians of the world and other high-ranking personalities like to relax? This will be discussed...


10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

1. Take, for example, former US President Barack Obama. His favorite place to stay is on the Atlantic coast on the island of Martha's Vineyard. However, Obama decided not to change the traditions of the former US presidents, whose family holidays were also often limited to this particular island.

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

2. But Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko will prefer snow and snowdrifts to any azure shores and will gladly go to conquer the slopes of Kazakhstan, Slovenia, or Austria on skis.

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

3. Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi has always liked to be at the center of the attention of young beauties. However, Silvio spends his holidays in this way - he throws loud parties on yachts and dances salsa with Italian models. What to hide ... Many people can envy him!

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

4. How does the President of the Russian Federation spend his holidays? It is no secret that Vladimir Putin travels around his native Mother Russia with great pleasure, however, he cannot do without extreme sports. For example, in one of these times, Vladimir Vladimirovich went to explore the seabed on a submarine.

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

5. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, along with his third wife, Carla Bruni, prefers the most ordinary holiday by the standards of wealthy politicians. Is it possible to think of something easier than soaking up another week on the warm sands of the Mediterranean coast?

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

6. Prime Minister and ex-President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev is a real fan of the cozy town of Cervinia, which is located in northwestern Italy. This resort town is Dmitry Anatolyevich's favorite vacation spot. But about the place where you can stay in Cervinia, the politician did not think for a long time and chose the most expensive hotel, Hotel Hermitage.

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

7. Now let's move on to monarchs. The Spanish king Juan Carlos also prefers family vacations. They say that he and his wife are big lovers of holidays on a yacht in Mallorca. By the way, the king is also an avid fisherman.

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

8. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain likewise turned out to be a big fan of sea travel. Despite her respectful age, she prefers laid-back wanderings in the harsh northern seas.

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

9. German Chancellor Angela Merkel turned out to be a very modest young lady. She climbs into a small village at the foot of Mount Ortler (south of Tyrol) and spends her leisure time there in a quiet and close family circle. The German Chancellor considers this kind of vacation to be the best and most effective.

10 photos of how politicians and monarchs spend their holidays

10. In conclusion of our list, we present the most popular resort in the Dominican Republic among all public figures and famous politicians. It is here that heads of state and other politicians spend their holidays ... Well, the top favorite resort for everyone, as one, is Casa de Campo. Just because this place is completely closed to prying eyes.

Keywords: Photos | Politicians | Monarchs | Holidays | Lifestyle | Politicians' personalities | Famous politicians

