10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

Cats are liquid. Even scientists will not dispute this fact. But there is another key feature of these sacred animals: they know how to choose the best place to rest. It doesn't matter if your favorite is a pot, a computer, or a horse's head.

At Pictolic we have long understood that once a cat has chosen a place to sleep, you cannot change its mind.


10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

1. Rich cats of Istanbul.

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

2. "My new mask covers my nose so well that I can hardly breathe!"

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

3. This horse has such a wonderful fur hat. Wait for a second…

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

4. "No matter how big she gets, she refuses to use another box."

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

5. So convenient ...

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

6. "This is my chin-up bar."

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

7. "I started unpacking my suitcase, went, brewed coffee, and came back to find it!"

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

8. "She shouldn't be on the kitchen table, but I think she found a loophole."

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

9. "We took this shelf out of our mini-fridge to save space, and my cat loves to lie on it."

10 fluffy facts that prove cats can lie where they want

10. "He always sleeps on this fence."

Keywords: Animal | Cats | Positive | Fun | Sleeping poses | Facts | World | Emotion | Funny | Cute | Kindness | Photos | Images

