10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema |

In Shakespeare's time, all the roles in the theater were played by men — women were not allowed to go on stage. The female roles were played by young boys. Then the situation changed, and women's roles began to be given to women.

Now some actors prefer to complicate their task and choose more and more complex characters - sometimes of a different gender than their own. Here is a list of 10 actors who tried to solve this difficult task. Some turned out so naturally.

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex
10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex
10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex
10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

10. John Travolta in "Hairspray"

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex
10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

9. Tyler Perry in The Diary of a Mad Black Woman

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex
10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

8. Cate Blanchett in "I'm Not There"

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

7. Cillian Murphy in "Breakfast on Pluto"

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

6. John Cameron Mitchell in "Hedwig and the Ill-fated Inch"

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

5. Adam Sandler in "Jack and Jill"

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

4. Hilary Swank in "Guys Don't Cry"

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

3. Felicity Huffman in Transamerica

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

2. Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love

10 actors who perfectly played the roles of the opposite sex

1. Glenn Close in "The Mysterious Albert Nobbs"

Keywords: Actors | Characters | Role

