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Picture news

How did the Arctic and Antarctic get their names?


How did the Arctic and Antarctic get their names?

Most schoolchildren can show on a map or globe where the Arctic and Antarctic are located. But even adults are unlikely to be able ...

10 amazing facts about the body — very ancient and large musical instrument


10 amazing facts about the body — very ancient and large ...

Organ — the most amazing in the world of musical instrument. Imagine: inside of it you can go! As a flute or saxophone, organ ...

Top 10 marinades for shish kebabs and barbecue


Top 10 marinades for shish kebabs and barbecue

A good steak or freshly caught fish is worthy to go to the grill grill proud and alone. As the great chef Auguste Escoffier said, " ...

10 life lessons that can be learned from Buddhist teachings


10 life lessons that can be learned from Buddhist teachings

Buddhism is one of the world's religions and has more than 1.6 billion followers worldwide. Like any other religion, Buddhism is ...

The real bloody story of Bambi the fawn, which Disney hid from us


The real bloody story of Bambi the fawn, which Disney hid from us

On August 9, 1942, the animated film "Bambi" by Walt Disney Studios was released for the first time. It was the fifth full-length ...

Smart tattoos with hidden Meaning that are worth looking at Twice


Smart tattoos with hidden Meaning that are worth looking at Twice

Oh, those tattoos! Someone loves them and "clogs" their "sleeves" (and then the whole body), someone considers them an ...

Why do we want red and drink white? The illustrator revealed the secret of choosing alcoholic beverages


Why do we want red and drink white? The illustrator revealed ...

Artist Chaz Hutton can make life easier by putting everything on one sticker. Hutton creates funny comics on the leaves. This time, ...

The truth: 4 facts on how to remove the infection from your smartphone that everyone should know


The truth: 4 facts on how to remove the infection from your ...

Did you know that your phone — a real hotbed of germs? According to numerous studies, the surface of most cell dirtier than ...

African killer pond: Lake Nyos accounts for 1,800 human casualties


African killer pond: Lake Nyos accounts for 1,800 human ...

Lake Nyos, located among the Massif du Mbam Mountains in the north-eastern part of Cameroon, was considered by the locals for ...

Lee lived the family of the Russian Emperor royally and where are the billions of the Romanovs?


Lee lived the family of the Russian Emperor royally and where ...

It is well known that the powers that be in our days, nothing. In this case, the sign of good tone is to hide the true revenue, so ...

Scenes from the life of the Wild West in the beautiful paintings of Mark Marjorie


Scenes from the life of the Wild West in the beautiful ...

Artist Mark Maggiori was born and raised in France. There he also received an art education at the prestigious Parisian Julian ...

Photographers accidentally make mutants out of wild animals


Photographers accidentally make mutants out of wild animals

Two-headed ponies, stuck-together zebras and headless penguins — this is a collection of very timely pictures that you will want ...

8 people who were acquitted too late


8 people who were acquitted too late

On June 23, 1912, the brilliant mathematician Alan Turing was born, who, despite all his scientific works and achievements, was ...

7 best philosophical movies of our time


7 best philosophical movies of our time

The final credits, movie's over, and your head is still spinning a lot of philosophical questions that want answers. All about the ...

30 dogs that look like something else


30 dogs that look like something else

Have you ever thought that your pet reminds you of someone-Freddie Mercury, for example, or Baby Yoda? Dog owners have launched the ...

How the Chinese built the railway to Tibet


How the Chinese built the railway to Tibet

In just five years and three and a half billion dollars, China built a 1,150-kilometer highway connecting the "Roof of the World" ...

Artist Carles Dalmau creates cute paintings, but it's worth looking more closely…


Artist Carles Dalmau creates cute paintings, but it's worth ...

The Spanish artist and illustrator Carles Dalmau is only 23 years old. This guy lives in Girona, Spain, and when asked what he ...

The best combinations of cheese and wine


The best combinations of cheese and wine

Not all haute cuisine has a noble past. The author of many of them were ordinary peasants. They were not so much interested in the ...

15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself


15 comics in which any parent will definitely recognize himself

Children are the flowers of life. It is they who decorate our everyday life, bring notes of fun and variety into it, do not let ...

How the world's first seismograph, Zhang Heng's, worked, whose secret has never been revealed


How the world's first seismograph, Zhang Heng's, ...

It is known that a unique civilization has been developing on the territory of China for more than one millennium. The Chinese gave ...

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment


22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

If you think about it: what exactly is "The right moment?". For what or whom exactly is it suitable or not suitable? Do you need to ...

Rare photos of Marilyn Monroe in New York


Rare photos of Marilyn Monroe in New York

At the beginning of 1955, 29-year-old Marilyn Monroe left Hollywood on the advice of her mentor Lee Strasberg and went to New York ...

22 of the worst photos of couples you've ever seen


22 of the worst photos of couples you've ever seen

O folly of love! What seemed like a good photo opportunity amidst the turbulent waves of domestic bliss may not be the best idea in ...

10 foods you can eat before going to bed without worrying about your figure


10 foods you can eat before going to bed without worrying ...

Nutritionists know several products, the use of which before going to bed will not harm the figure. For some reason, just before ...

19 pictures of what happens when you hire a perfectionist


19 pictures of what happens when you hire a perfectionist

This collection of photos will clearly please the little inner perfectionist who lives in each of us. It doesn't matter how much ...

What does the expression "Filkin's letter" mean and what does Ivan the Terrible have to do with it


What does the expression "Filkin's letter" mean and what does ...

We tell you about the origin of the phraseology "filkin's letter": where did this phrase come from. The stable expression "Filkin's ...