What does dawn look like on other planets

What does dawn look like on other planets

Categories: Space

Life on our planet is impossible without the Sun. And perhaps it is difficult to find something more beautiful than sunrise or sunset. But have you ever imagined what it would look like, for example, dawn on other planets in the Solar system? Artist Ron Miller has presented and created digital illustrations that he has worked on for decades.

What does dawn look like on other planets

What does dawn look like on other planets

Mercury is located 60 million kilometers from the Sun, which is 39% of the distance between the Sun and our planet. Therefore, the sunrise on Mercury is much brighter than on Earth.

What does dawn look like on other planets

The distance between the Sun and Venus is 108 million km. Because of the dense clouds that envelop the planet, the Sun in the sky of Venus is more like a bright spot.

What does dawn look like on other planets

Mars is located at a distance of 1.5 times greater than the Earth — 230 million km from the Sun. However, visibility is affected not only by the huge distance, but also by strong winds that raise dust on the Red Planet.

What does dawn look like on other planets

This is how the Sun looks from Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, which is located 779 million km from the star.

What does dawn look like on other planets

Saturn is one of the most recognizable planets. It is located at a distance of 1.5 billion km from the Sun. The Sun's rays are refracted by the abundance of water, ice crystals and gases, creating incredible optical illusions.

What does dawn look like on other planets

Uranus On the Uranus satellite Ariel incredible view. The heat from the Sun practically does not reach Uranus, since they are located at a distance of 2.8 billion km from each other.

What does dawn look like on other planets

Neptune This is what the Sun would look like if you were on Triton, Neptune's largest moon. Distance-4.5 billion km.

What does dawn look like on other planets

Pluto is located at a distance of 6 billion km from the Sun, so the star in the firmament of the planet is more like a point.

Keywords: Space | Sun | Dawn | Planets | Illustrations | Illustration | Digital art

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