What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Categories: Photo project

Any woman waiting for a baby is preparing for a trip to the maternity hospital and packs the most necessary things for this. Seven women from around the world, with the support of the organization WaterAid, decided to show their "emergency" bag and its contents. The results are really amazing.

Today we offer a look at seven expectant mothers and their readiness for the appearance of a new family member.

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Hazel Shandumba, Hamakando Village, Monze, Zambia

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Things: baby clothes, diapers, plastic basin and soap, sarong (national clothes), polyethylene for the maternity bed.

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Diana Neyers, New York, USA

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Things: music player, massage oil with coconut extract, lavender oil, gel with arnica extract, snacks, baby feeding bra, pillow, comfortable clothes for mom, baby clothes and blanket, toiletries, sleep mask, book.

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Ellen Phiri, Simulemba, Malawi

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Things: a flashlight (lack of electricity in the hospital), polyethylene for the maternity bed, a blade for cutting the umbilical cord, a rope for tying the umbilical cord, a banknote of 200 Malawian kwacha for food, 3 sarongs (national clothes) for mom and baby.

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Katie Shaw, Melbourne, Australia

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Things: toiletries, snacks, diapers, baby clothes, clothes for mom, massage oils, hot water bottle.

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Claudine Razafindrabari, Vakinankaratra, Madagascar

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Things: baby clothes, cotton wool, sanitary pads, medical alcohol, diapers, thermos, bucket, saucepan.

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Joanna Laurie, London, United Kingdom

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Items: diapers, baby clothes, snacks, clothes and a towel for mom, toiletries, myostimulator, sanitary pads, iPad, water bottle, comb.

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Agnes Noti, Iramba, Tanzania

What do women from different countries of the world take with them to the maternity hospital

Things: children's clothes and a blanket, a sarong (national dress), a thermos, tea, soap, a bucket for water.

Keywords: Women | Mom | Newborns | Maternity hospital

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