The tragic story of Margaux Hemingway — supermodels and granddaughter classic of American literature
Categories: Celebrities
By Pictolic Hemingway, granddaughter of writer Ernest Hemingway, supermodel of the 1970s and the first model in history to sign a contract for a million dollars. Her photos have been on the covers of Vogue and Time, she was invited to parties, Andy Warhol, she starred in the movie and a rake at Studio 54. When she was 42, she killed herself.
Margaux Hemingway (Margot or better Margaux — in honor of the wine, which her parents drank on the night of conception daughter) was born in 1954 in Oregon. Then her family moved to Cuba, then to San Francisco and then in Idaho, on the Hemingway farm in a very rural Catchme.
After graduation she worked at a small advertising firm, and once volunteered to go with his father on a business trip to new York. There in the Plaza hotel, she met Errol Watsona entrepreneur and heir to the network of the diner.
It was 1974.
Four months later, the 19-year-old Margot moved to new York, settled in Watson and started modeling. Watson put a girl in your social circle and introduced me to the stars of the time — artist Andy Warhol, singer and actress Liza Minnelli, style icon and Muse to Warhol Bianca Jagger, designer Roy Holston.
Such Dating at young provincial head was spinning, and she couldn't do anything like add confidence and gloss with alcohol and marijuana. It seemed to her that alcohol will give her strength and courage. And strength and confidence Margo was very much needed: high, bred girl with a famous name quickly became known for his grandfather — in certain circles.
Margaux Hemingway in 1984
Margo first in the history of the fashion business was awarded a contract for one million dollars — an unheard-of, fabulous sum as the face of the perfume Babe of the firm Faberge. She has graced the cover of Cosmopolitan, Elle, Vogue and even Time magazine. Margot was an international celebrity, "a new beauty", "new supermodel in new York".
According to friends of Margot, all her life she tried to match his famous name. By the mid-1970s, she decided to try her hand at movies. Her first movie "Lipstick" (1976) not only did not bring it success, but has also brought to the fore another girl by the name Hemingway.
The role of the younger sister of the heroine was played by her own younger sister Mariel, and that from her acting abilities critics were enthusiastic, which could not be said about the abilities of most Margo.
Wedding to Errol Watsona, 1975
In 1975, Margaux with Watsana married, but in 1978, divorced. Watson as complained Margo, I do not have good business acumen, and the best that he was capable of, is to give young wife recommendations for her wardrobe.
Career Margo, as her marriage was falling apart, just begin (Margo is still playing in several films, but none of them will bring her success and will be particularly popular, neither the audience nor the critics; paradoxically, the highest rating will gain a documentary of her sister Running from Crazy — about the "family curse" kind of Hemingways).
In 1979 Meriel played the role of the young lover woody Allen's "Manhattan" and has become even more popular. Margot, according to the precepts of grandfather Ernest, portrayed that she did not care, I continued to drink and use drugs — and in 1979 hastily married a Venezuelan film Director Bernard Foucher, then moved with him to Paris.
"Holiday, which always with you" was as short-lived. In 1984, on a ski resort in Austria Margo crashed into a rock and severely injured. The recovery took nine months, during which she gained 34 pounds and was plunged into depression. In 1985 Margo and Bernard divorced. Back in the US, Margo tried to revive her career as an actress, but neither money nor fame new movies brought.
In 1987 it for a month falls on rehabilitation. Coming out of the clinic and again unable to find a decent and well-paid job, Margo, owes the state about 900 thousand dollars of tax payments, in may 1990, starred Nude for "Playboy."
The last years of his life, Margot at the UPS and downs were a roller coaster. It has long fascinated by yoga and meditation, attains enlightenment and goes on a pilgrimage to Holy places in India, the friends after the next depressive episode, according to rumors, there to break her out of prison.
In 1994, she gave an interview to People magazine in which she said that "life couldn't stand your mother", and after a few years, publicly accused his godfather in the abuse. In response, her father Jack Hemingway and stepmom Angela said Margot "lies all the time" that she "should grow up and take responsibility for your life", and stopped with her all communication.
In his memoirs sister Margo, the actress Mariel Hemingway, argues that both their parents were alcoholics and family reigned unhealthy atmosphere: constant swearing, arguments, throwing dishes. Already an adult Meriel was diagnosed with depression, which is likely she had in childhood.
She later wrote two versions of his books — one for adults, one for Teens to help them recognize depression at an early stage and successfully overcome it.
Mariel and Margaux at the Christian Dior show in 1981
Margo also a child suffered from depression, in addition to alcoholism, bulimia and other disorders. She had dyslexia and epilepsy. In July 1996, a concerned friend Margo found dead in her apartment in Santa Monica. The cause of death was an overdose of phenobarbital — cure for epilepsy. The official version of her death was suicide, although some doubt it.
Keywords: Celebrity | Tragedy | Grandchildren | Supermodels
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