The lost expedition: what happened to the travel time of Columbus and Maclay
Categories: Travel
By Pictolic knows the names of travelers since the Great geographical discoveries. What about those who are not so lucky, who did not return from its Grand plan expeditions? We consider it our duty to tell about the sailors, unable to cope with the difficulties of the way. Sit back.
From the North sea to the Pacific ocean, 1553 year
Expedition under the command of Hugh Willoughby sailed from the shores of England on 23 June 1553. In it consisted of three ships: the "Edward Bonaventure", "bona Esperanza" and "bona Konfidentsa". They all went in search of a northeast passage from North sea to the Pacific ocean (along the Northern possessions of Russia).
"Edward Bonaventure", in Nikolskoye mouth
Hugh Willoughby was a fine soldier, but a very mediocre sailor. On August 3, after a violent storm in the sea lost ship "Edward Bonaventure", the other two ships managed to reach New Lands. But no more — the ice stopped them.
The expedition turned back to winter at the Kola Peninsula. Places like was good — near the river Varzina, a lot of fish and game, but something happened.
Left: sir Hugh Willoughby. Right: members of the expedition landed on the beach
What exactly happened is hard to say, but in the spring of fishermen discovered two ships — one of them was empty, the second held 63 of the corpse. And they looked like statues — someone has opened a case, someone eating, someone sat behind a Desk, the same applies to dogs.
What happened to them is a mystery. Hard to imagine how so many people could comprehend simultaneous death. According to one version, it was carbon monoxide. But that's just a guess.
Left: Chanslor Ivan the terrible. Right: Chanslor in Kholmogory
From Russia to India, 1717
Prince Alexander Bekovich-Cherkassky, by order of Peter I went to India to simultaneously induce allegiance to Khiva and Bukhara khans. The Prince himself was a descendant of the Kabardinian nobles, and before baptism had the name of Devlet-Girey-Murza.
Left: Alexander Bekovich-Cherkassky. Right: map of Bekovich made for Khiva campaign
The journey began from Astrakhan, the team had to cross the Caspian sea. The expedition consisted of 100 ships and 6,000 people, there were no signs of trouble. But then came the storm. A significant part of the ships were sunk, including the ship with his wife and two daughters of the Prince.
However, survivors continue. On the way to Khiva, the expedition was attacked by the troops of the Khan, they were 5 times greater, but this did not give them proper benefits. The fighting lasted 3 days and after Khan called the Prince to negotiate. Khan managed to persuade the then he divided the army into five groups and send them to different cities for temporary accommodation. Of course, the troops were killed.
The surviving soldiers were enslaved, and the Prince is beheaded. However, evil tongues claimed that Bekovich not beheaded for the surrender of the troops he received from the Khan pardon, and lived the rest of his life at his court. True or not, is not known.
Left: a Russian squad holding the Fort. Right: the execution of Bekovich-Cherkassky
World expedition, 1788
French seafarer Jean-Francois de La Perouse disappeared along with all the members of the expedition near the island of vanikoro, Santa Cruz in the Western Pacific ocean.
Jean-Francois de La Perouse
The voyage went to 220 people on two ships, the "Astrolabe" and "compass", and the expedition was personally organized by Louis XVI. The travelers sailed on 1 September, 1785, and doubled Cape horn, visited Easter island in California, then moved to the North-West. But then they expect some misfortune.Off the coast of Alaska during a storm at sea took the boat, which was 21 members of the expedition followed on the island of Samoa between the team and local residents clashed — 12 people were killed, including the captain of the Astrolabe.
"Astrolabe" and "compass"
In January 1788 the ships met the English squadron off the coast of Australia and gave the letters home. Any more news about the expedition were not. It is said that when Louis XVI went to execution in 1793, asked if there was any news of La Perouse.
By the way, in 1826, on the island Vanikoro were found the remains of a French ship. Maybe it was "the Astrolabe". Locals told about the four sailors who survived and remained on the island, the last of them died in 1825.
Death ship
From the Atlantic to the Pacific, 1845
Perhaps the phrase "as you call a boat so it will sail" makes sense. Ships who went in this expedition, was called "Darkness" and "Horror". Led swimming John Franklin is an experienced sailor and polar Explorer (he was already 59 years), which was the goal of the development of the Arctic ocean.
"Darkness" and "Horror"
The expedition went to sea on 19 may 1845 and disappeared on Board were 129 people. When it became clear that the sailors will not return, it was organized rescue mission. 39 pieces — from 1848 to 1854. They were unsuccessful, but eventually began to appear spooky finds: skeletons, graves notes a bit to clarify the essence of what happened.
Sir John Franklin
Both ships frozen into the ice in September 1846. They could not budge a year and a half. 22 April 1848, the remaining sailors decided to go to the mainland, after changing the boat into the sleigh. There were 2,000 km of her path 105 of the expedition members, no one survived.
Temporary housing near frozen in the ice ship
A rescue mission found in the estuary of the Tank is remnants of the expedition. It became clear that soon the food of the sailors was over and people began to eat their fallen comrades. However, it did not help.
A search party
Franklin himself died on the ship "the Darkness" June 11, 1847 — it was said in the note. The ship was found in 2014 and in 2016 and found "the Horror" — the court themselves escaped from captivity of the ice, but soon sank.
The inventory of the belongings of the dead crew members
Keywords: Shipwreck | Ships | Sea | Travelers
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