The coolest street in the world

The coolest street in the world

Categories: World

If we ever had a chance to compile such a rating, then we would no doubt give New Zealand building contractors the title of the most efficient. The fact is that when they got into the hands of the architectural plan of the city of Dunedin, which clearly did not contain the specifics of the terrain, they simply did everything in their power. The result is Baldwin Street, 360 meters high, the steepest street in the world, with some sections reaching up to 19 degrees.

Taking its relatively gentle, paved beginning at North Road, Baldwin Street changes pavement to concrete at the point of a sharp rise. We must pay tribute to the builders, because this was done on purpose so that on especially hot days the molten resins would not flow down. Today we studied in detail the plan of the steepest street in the world, finding out many interesting details, and even a little doubted its "coolness".

(Total 10 photos)

The coolest street in the world

The coolest street in the world

1. An elevation angle of 19 degrees in some sections means that every 2.86 meters the road surface rises by about 1 meter.

The coolest street in the world


The coolest street in the world

3. Throughout its 359-meter stretch, Baldwin Street rises by almost 80 meters.

The coolest street in the world


The coolest street in the world

5. By the way, the streets running parallel to Baldwin Street are also very steep. For example, Arnold Street rises 1 meter every 3.6 meters, Dalmeny Street rises every 3.7 meters, and Calder Avenue rises 5.4 meters.

The coolest street in the world


The coolest street in the world

7. Despite the fact that Baldwin Street is officially recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the coolest street in the world, some reasonably dispute this fact.

The coolest street in the world

8. So, for example, San Francisco 22nd Street in some sections has an angle of inclination of as much as 40 degrees, that is, twice as steep as the New Zealand record holder.

The coolest street in the world

9. In addition to the huge popularity among fans of extreme sports, Baldwin Street was chosen by all kinds of charitable organizations.

The coolest street in the world

10. It is this street that can be seen in many commercials, where a huge amount of something, such as tennis balls, rolls down, creating the effect of an avalanche.

Keywords: Cool | Streets

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